Field Trip to Northwest Trek

As I’m sure you saw last night, we sent home information about our first field trip- Northwest Trek on September 22nd.  This is such a fantastic field trip that will commence our first science unit- Ecosystems and Food Chains. Please return the permission slip and $15 check made out to Sunset Elementary ASB. For more information, please find the green sheet that went home with your child yesterday.
As of this morning, we have reached our maximum of 4 chaperones for our class. I will make sure that different parents have the opportunity to chaperone for our next field trips.


Courtney N. said...

I'm so excited! Go Northwest Trek!!!

Duncan E said...

The field trip sounds exciting. I wonder what we will do there. Maybe a couple moose.

Courtney N. said...

Do we have to bring our backpack to school tomorrow?

Allie said...

I am relly excited for Northwest Treck,it sounds really fun :)

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