World Peace- Homework

World Peace Day is celebrated every September 21st, and is observed by many nations all around the world. This day is dedicated to peace! What does the word peace mean to you? Do you think world peace is ever possible? What needs to happen for there to be world peace?

Remember to use your best writing with complete sentences, capitals, and punctuation.

Directions for leaving a comment:
1- Click on the comments button right below the title of this post
2- Write your comment in the box (proofread it and make sure it has capitals and periods before finishing)
3-Comment As: choose "Name/URL"
4- In the name box, write your first name and last initial only
5- Don't write anything in the URL box
6- Hit continue
7- Then click on "Post Comment"

Great to Meet You!

Welcome to fourth grade! It was so fun getting to know you today!
I can't wait to get to know you more. Introduce yourself by commenting and tell me one of the favorite things you did this summer!

Directions for leaving a comment:
1- Click on the comments button below this post
2- Write your comment in the box
3-Comment As: choose "Name/URL"
4- In the name box, write your first name and last initial only
5- Don't write anything in the URL box
6- Hit continue
7- Then click on "Post Comment"

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