World Peace- Homework

World Peace Day is celebrated on September 21st, and is observed by many nations all around the world. This day is dedicated to peace! What does the word peace mean to you? Do you think world peace is ever possible? What needs to happen for there to be world peace?

Remember to use your best writing with complete sentences, capitals, and punctuation.

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Allie said...

I think that world peace can happen anywhere. It can happen anywhere because everybody can make the world a better place.

Isobel G said...

In order to have peace all over the world there must be no wars and people should not fight.
Just because it is only celebrated on one day I think we should have peace more often.

And also my sister was born on September 21.

Jakob M said...

Peace is a non violent thing. I do not think world peace is possable because there will always be bad guys. The bad guys need to turn good.

Courtney N. said...

The word "peace" means that there is no wars, everyone is kind to each other, and we respect other peoples difference's.
I think that if we try to stop the war and not hurt anybody or thing that we could have peace all over the world.

Tjaden Y said...

I think that world peace is important because it represents freedom and respect for others.

In order for there to be peace, people have to get along and that is hard to do sometimes.

Duncan E said...

I think that peace is that every country and continent should respect and be nice and allied in things like selling a fruit you can't sell in America because it doesn't grow there. I also think there shouldn't be any wars.

Ismail M said...

In my opinion the world peace means that there should be no wars,no fights and no battles.I think peace is possible in this world if people share and care about each other and countries stop fighting.

Oscar S. said...

Peace means there's no wars. To have peace, we would have to be nice to each other all the time. It does not seem possible because no one is perfect. But we can respect each other and try to get along, and that's all the peace we can have. Maybe that is peace!

Madison C. said...

World peace means everybody is kind and has respect for eachother. But the world has to be kind and respectful at the exact same time. That`s what world peace is! How can everyone in the whole world be respectful and kind at the same time? There is probably someone, somewhere being unkind or disrespectful, ruining world peace for everyone. But if there is ever world peace,I don`t think it would last very long.

Stephanie C. said...

To me peace means that everyone would be calm and nobody would be fighting.I think world peace would be possible if people could just try to work together and it would probably work out.Personally I think if some people just didn't have a temper [no offense] we would have world peace.

Mia Y said...

To me, world peace means thoughtful things and world peace can take place anywhere. To me it means to get lots of respect. That's what I think.

Kamryn said...

World peace is a good thing.It can happen anywhere and it should happen more often.Peace is to be respectful and not fighting and having war.

matt said...

Wold peace means NO wars NO mean language just peace.

Braden said...

The word peace means that everyone is happy and no one is getting mad at each other. World peace is nearly impossible because 6.75 billion people have to come to an agreement that there will be no wars, no bad anything, and nothing violent.

Ethan L said...

World peace means being nice to other people and no wars. I think world peace is possible. For there to be world peace there can be no wars. We all need to help each other.

Laurel B. said...

I dont think that world peace is possible theres always sombody being rude.To me peace is everyone getting along.

Bryan B. said...

World peace means countries don’t fight, we don’t have wars and we don’t hurt other people. I don’t thing world peace is possible because there are always good and bad people. So bad people don’t like peoples’ differences. To have world peace everyone should respect of each other and their differences.

mikayla said...

the world peace means no wars and respect everyone how they want to be treated and to always be respectful to the world like no littering and doing bad things

Danielle said...

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Shriya B said...

It's a happy day for me because my grandpa's birthday is on that day.So peace for me is evoryone needs to be nice to each other and no fights or violence.

Andrew L. said...


Andrew L. said...

my idea of world peace is no crime no fights no assasination nokilling no murder no cancer no racism no sexism no wars no segregation everyone's respectful and kind people cooperate and no stealing or bank robberies no teasing no teasing about their flaws because everyone has them no animal cruelty or child cruelty no smoking which includes no ciggaretes or cigars everybody embraces kindness and joy and we should give more labour into preventing poverty and disease no hoaxes for tricking people because it's confusing and a common term in europe : stupid americans and that's my idea for the peaceful Earth I've been thinking of.

nicole said...

world peace is when the whole word is nice to eachother or when the whole world has peace to echother

nicole said...

no, i have not seen a movie and read the book sorry

Brady L. said...

Peace means no war everyone is free.Everyone is respectful of each other

Cameron v said...

World peace means no fiting and kiling other peopel. I think that we can have world peace ifthe guverment stopt the war and jond nations.