Walt Disney's Birthday- Homework

Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. When Walt Disney first opened Disneyland, it consisted of five themed areas:
  1. Main Street, U.S.A. (an early 20th century Midwest town based on Walt Disney's childhood)
  2. Adventureland (featuring jungle themed adventures)
  3. Frontierland (illustrating the western frontier)
  4. Fantasyland (bringing fantasy into a reality)
  5. Tomorrowland (looking into the future)
Pretend that you worked for Walt Disney in 1955 and write an idea for a 6th themed area for Disneyland. Describe the theme for this area and the rides and buildings that would be included in this new area of Disneyland.

Bravery- Homework

On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to obey a bus driver’s order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Rosa Park’s brave act of defiance became an important symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and the resistance to racial segregation.

What is the bravest thing that you have ever done? Include details about the event and why you think you were brave.

OR, if you really can't think of anything you have done that is brave, write about what bravery means to you and tell a story about someone else who did something truly brave.

Thanksgiving- Homework

Last week was Thanksgiving. I hope you had a chance to stop and reflect on what you're are thankful for.

Please write a paragraph containing at least 5 complete sentences about what you are thankful for and WHY you are thankful for those things.

Geography Awareness Week- Homework

The 3rd week of November is Geography Awareness Week, which was established in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan. The goal of this week is to promote geographic education in schools. So it's very fitting that we are starting our Geography unit this week!

Where in the world would you most like to visit and/or live? Explain why you would like to visit or live in this place, how far away it is from where you live, and how you would get to this place.

*Remember, you must use at least 5 complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation!

Precept- Homework

In Wonder, Mr. Brown shares one precept a month. A precept is a rule about the really important things in life.

Mr. Brown's precept for December was: Fortune favors the bold.
Which basically means that good things happen to those who do something bold or brave.

Write at least five sentences about a time in your life when you did something very brave and how, because of it, something good happened to you.

*Remember to use capitals, punctuation, complete sentences, and correct spelling.

Wonder- Homework

We are currently reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Auggie has a very different life because he was born with facial deformities. We're learning he is a normal fifth grader but he doesn't always get treated like one.

How do you think your life would be different if you were like Auggie?
*Remember to write at least 5 sentences, include punctuation, capitals, and proper grammar.

Halloween Story- Homework

Be as creative as you want, using "It was a dark and stormy night" as the start of your Halloween paragraph! It can be silly, creepy, weird, or anything else you think of! Have fun!

(Remember to use the same rules we have in class with capitals, punctuation, and spelling.)

Dictionary Day- Homework

Dictionary Day is celebrated on October 16 in honor of Noah Webster. The objective of this day is to emphasize the importance of dictionary skills and to improve your vocabulary. Find 5 words in the dictionary that you are unfamiliar with and write their definitions. Then, write a sentence using each of these 5 new words that you learned!

*In your comment, be sure to include the word, definition, and your sentence for all 5 words.

Columbus Day- Homework

Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October in the United States. This holiday commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the New World on October 12, 1492.

Pretend that you are an explorer and want to take an expedition to an unknown land. You will need money to finance your adventure. Write a letter to a king, queen, president, or a wealthy person to ask for help to finance your adventure.

*It must be in letter format and be at least 5 sentences long. Remember correct spelling, punctuation, and capitals.

National Book Month- Homework

October is Nation Book Month. The purpose of National Book Month is to encourage readers of all ages to enjoy books.

What is a book that you recommend that other children your age should read during National Book Month? Explain why this is one of your favorite books.   *Be sure to use proper grammar, capitals, punctuation, and AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES!

World Peace- Homework

World Peace Day is celebrated every September 21st, and is observed by many nations all around the world. This day is dedicated to peace! What does the word peace mean to you? Do you think world peace is ever possible? What needs to happen for there to be world peace?

Remember to use your best writing with complete sentences, capitals, and punctuation.

Directions for leaving a comment:
1- Click on the comments button right below the title of this post
2- Write your comment in the box (proofread it and make sure it has capitals and periods before finishing)
3-Comment As: choose "Name/URL"
4- In the name box, write your first name and last initial only
5- Don't write anything in the URL box
6- Hit continue
7- Then click on "Post Comment"

Great to Meet You!

Welcome to fourth grade! It was so fun getting to know you today!
I can't wait to get to know you more. Introduce yourself by commenting and tell me one of the favorite things you did this summer!

Directions for leaving a comment:
1- Click on the comments button below this post
2- Write your comment in the box
3-Comment As: choose "Name/URL"
4- In the name box, write your first name and last initial only
5- Don't write anything in the URL box
6- Hit continue
7- Then click on "Post Comment"

Do you see your comment?

Top 10- Homework

The year is almost over! Reflect back over this past year, and write out a "Top 10" list of what your favorite things about 4th grade were!

Memorial Day- Homework

The last Monday of May is Memorial Day in the United States. On this day, Americans remember and honor the brave men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Military.

What makes someone a hero? Write a paragraph explaining what a hero is to you and how an individual becomes a hero.

Glaciers- Homework

Talk to your parents about any glaciers they've seen in real life or know about. Dicuss what they looked like and how that glacier was shaping the land around and beneath it. Write about where the glacier was, how big it was, and any other details your parents can describe about it. If your parents haven't ever seen glaciers in real life, do some research, look up a glacier and tell us about it.

*Remember, you must write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences.

Mother's Day- Homework

We just celebrated Mother's Day on May 13th. Use the topic sentence, "My mom is the best mom in the world," and write a persuasive paragraph convincing us why that is true.


I'm sure your kids told you all about how awesome BizTown was and how much they learned. We've spent some time reflecting on our experiences at BizTown and how these learning experiences will help us in the future. We are super grateful for the parent volunteers who did training and helped support our students at BizTown and for all the companies who have donated so much to provide a place like JA BizTown. To learn more about BizTown, ask a current Sunset fourth grader!

Town Meeting

Staples team pricing items

The retail shop getting their supplies organized.

Morning National Anrthem

Matt being interviewed on Q-13 Fox.

Bryan being interviewed on Q-13 Fox.

The girls hanging posters advertising their the Retail Shoppe.

Courtney taking her role as CEO very seriously.

Stephanie was happy to help her customers pick out a stuffed animal.

Tjaden entering a transaction into the computer.

Mikayla taking an important phone call.

Adam learning what it means to "multi-task."

Madison checking on her company's finances.

Cameron and Ethan discuss a phone problem.

Matt taking a break from the seriousness of the day.

Andrew enjoying his 30 minute lunch break.

Earth Day- Homework

Earth Day was April 22nd, and I thought this video was very interesting to think about. Watch the video, and then write about your thoughts and feeling about it. Why do you think I posted this video for Earth Day?

Spring Break- Homework

Write a small seed story about ONE small event that happened over spring break. Don't tell me about an entire trip. Pick ONE thing that happened and write an interesting (true) story about it. Your story must be at least five sentences, but can be longer if you choose.

April Fools' Day- Homework

April Fools' Day is observed on April 1 and is sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day. On this day, people play harmless pranks on others or try to get them to believe ridiculous things.

Write about the best April Fools' Day joke that you have played on someone, or write about a joke you would like to play on someone. (Remember that your joke must be safe and not hurt anyone's feelings, and you must write at least 5 sentences.)

BizTown- Homework

What are you looking forward to learning about during our BizTown unit? What questions do you still have about BizTown? Based on the information you've learned about BizTown so far, what are you most looking forward to when we go on our field trip?

Remember, your response needs to be at least five sentences.

Seasons- Homework

Snow is still in the forecast, but winter is nearly over! March 20th is the first day of spring!

Write a persuasive paragraph (at least five sentences) about which season you think is the best season. Be sure to include details and reasons WHY the season you chose is the best.

Albert Einstein- Homework

The scientist, Albert Einstein, was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany. At an early age, Einstein showed a great interest in math and science. He built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics. Einstein is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. He is often regarded as the father of modern physics. Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

One of Einstein's famous quotes is, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." What do you think he meant by that? Do you think it's true? Why or why not? (remember to write at least 5 thoughtful sentences!

Scientific Testing- Homework

In class today, we disucssed how scientists sent Laika, a stray dog, into space to test the effects it would have on her and to see what improvements needed to be made before we could send humans into space. Scientists often test things on animals to make sure they are safe for humans. Do you think it is right to test things that might hurt people using animals?

Please write at least five sentences with reasons and any evidence you can think of to support your answer.

Read Across America- Homework

Read Across America Day is celebrated on March 2 and it is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that celebrates the importance of reading. This date was chosen to coincide with the birthday of a famous children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was born on March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Seuss is one of the most beloved children’s book authors of all time.

Write a letter to a kindergardener explaining why it is important to learn how to read.

Friendship- Homework

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is all about love and friendship, and showing your friends and family about how much you care for them!

What are the qualities of a good friend? (remember to write at least 5 thoughtful sentences and only post your first name when you post)

Book Orders- Due Friday, Feb. 17

Scholastic Book Clubs Ordering Information
Class Activation Code: HCP22

Dear Parents,

This is our second time ordering books from Scholastic Book Clubs! Attached are flyers filled with affordable books just right for your child's age and reading level. Kids read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to let your child help make selections.

You might remember flipping through the Scholastic flyer when you were in school, eagerly circling your choices, and handing the form to the teacher. Your kids can do the same, but you can also order books online, which is simple, convenient, and saves time. Please see the message from Scholastic below to learn how to order online and how it benefits our classroom.

Thank you,
Danielle Ness

P.S. When you order online, you get thousands more books to choose from, including favorite authors and series, plus exclusive editions of the hottest new books.
Every order placed online earns rewards for your child's classroom.
You pay with a credit card on our secure Web site, saving time for you and your child's teacher.
To start ordering online, follow these simple steps:
REGISTER at Scholastic Book Clubs' secure Web site (www.scholastic.com/bookclubs), and create your own User Name and Password.
ENTER the onetime Class Activation Code above to link you to your child's classroom and teacher recommendations.
BROWSE the wide selection of books with your child.
PAY safely and securely for your selections using your credit card.
SEND the order to your child's teacher online, and watch your child get excited to read!

National Inventor's Day- Homework

February 11th- National Inventor's Day

In recognition of the great contributions that inventors have made to the world, National Inventors Day is celebrated on February 11. This date was chosen because Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847. Thomas Edison was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman and is known as one of the most prolific inventors of all time. Edison invented more than 1,200 items, including the light bulb and phonograph.

What do you think is the most important invention of all time? Why? (remember to write at least 5 thoughtful sentences)