Be a Good Neighbor- Homework

September 28 is National Good Neighbor Day. On this day, people should remember how important it is to be a good neighbor and that people should recognize and appreciate their neighbors. What can you do to be a good neighbor to the people that live around you? What can you do to be a good neighbor to your classmates?


Tjaden Y said...

Today I was a good neighbor because I helped take in my neighbors groceries.
I can be a good neighbor to my classmates by sharing.

Oscar S. said...

To be a good neighbor you should say hi to your neighbors, share tools and spices when needed. You can also keep their mail when they are gone and water their plants if they ask you to. You can let them know when you think someone suspecious was around their house. You should not make too much noise at night and you can invite them to a party at your home when you have one. You can waive at them when you see them around.
With your classmates, you can be a good neigbor by sharing and helping them. It is also nice when you smell good and clean. And don't take their stuff without asking first.

Matt D. said...

Yesterday I helped someone find a spot at lunch. I can also try a little bit harder to help.

Matt D. said...

I can be a good neighbor by taking care of their plants and animals,taking out their trash, and getting their mail.

Kamryn B. said...

I can be a good neighbor by walking there pet, or taking there trash out and there are many other ways. A few days ago I helped one of my neighbors find a pencil he can use because he didn`t have one.

Mia Y said...

I can be a good neighbor by saying, "hi", when I see them or, "good morning", and I can also get mail for my mom or for my neighbors. I can be a good neighbor at school by getting my classmates mail for them and letting them borrow things for school if they need it. Thats how I can be a good neighbor.

Allie said...

I could be a good neighbor by bring them food when there sick or flowers when there sad or just want to be a good neighbor.Once I helped my neighbors by water there plants when they were on vaction at the ocean and i felt wonderful after doing it.

gg said...


Courtney N. said...

You can be a good neighbor by walking their pets, taking out their garbage,and when they are on a trip you can water their plants or take care of their pets if they have one. For example, my neighbors were on a trip and they asked me to water their plants and take care of their dog. When they got back they were very pleased with how I did. In class you can say hi to everyone and let them borrow some supplies if they don't have it. That is what I think a good neighbor is. By the way, who is gg?

Ismail said...

To be a good neighbor you should not shout, you should invite them at your house, you should give them gifts and you should take care of them when they are not feeling well.
To be good neighbor in class you should share school supplies, if they don't understand anything you should help them. To be a good neighbor it is important to be good person

Bryan B. said...

You can help neighbors close to you take out the trash, find lost dogs and return them to are neighbors, and feed pets when they go on vacation. You can be a good neighbor to your classmates by helping them with their homework, don’t disturb them when their learning or listening, and be caring to them.

Duncan E said...

When your at school you can be a good neighbor by helping out your classmates. When your in your neighborhood you can help out by walking animals and lots of other things.

Stephanie C. said...

You could help your neighbor by walking pets, watering plants, and helping with yards. You could also help your fellow neighborhood friends by studing with them, or helping them with chores. Even playing with little kids helps out the mom and dad sometimes.
You could listen to them when they are talking to you, or help them if they have a "binder explosion", and sharing stuff like pencils, erasers, or markers with them if they need to borrow them.

Nicole said...

Being a good neighbor is being friendly to neighbors by saying "good morning". It's also important to take care of your house and your yard so it looks nice for everyone.

Madison C. said...

Being a good neighbor means that you are kind and friendly to all the people around you. Even just asking someone if they're OK after they fall is being a good neighbor. Every day I try to be a good neighbor and hopefully, you do too.

Riley B. said...

I think being a good neibor is doing stuff like taking out their trash,mowing their lawn,or walking their dog.

Braden said...

To be a good neighbor you have to say hi, interact nicely and let them borrow your stuff if they need it. To be a good neighbor in the classroom you have to help them if they need help, or tell them to be quiet if they're talking when they're not supposed to.