New Student Council Reps

Today our student council candidates spoke in front of the class why they would make a great student council rep for our class. All of our candidates did an incredible job, unfortunately only two could earn the title for our class this year. Courtney was voted as our main Student Council Rep and Duncan (just one vote behind her) has been voted as our Student Council Alternate.

Candidates, thank you for your time preparing your speeches and for taking a leadership role in our classroom!

~Mrs. Ness


Duncan E said...

Hi guys, thanks for voting for me and I have creative ideas like word search Wednesday. Another idea is humane day. Donate to help out the Seattle Humane Society. Raising money maybe by a bake sale. Go Cohen! ( My new cat.)

PS. I loved all your speeches.

Courtney N. said...

Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank you to the people who voted for me as student council rep, it really means a lot.
By the way, great speeches to all kids who tried out for student council.

Thank you again,

Duncan E said...

Who is with me on humane day? Everybody can vote! Help out for those animals that are lost all around in the state of Washington! I know you guys like dogs!

With creativity,
