Fall Book Fair

Yahoo, we have our first book fair coming up next week. Of my six years teaching, this class seems to be the most into reading. I’m pretty sure that at least 2/3 of the class shared a book in their Me-In-A-Bag presentations this week. So this should be a perfect fit for our class.

Monday our class will have an opportunity to preview the books at the book fair. Students will be given a sheet to make their Wish List on. This will give you the opportunity to talk about the items they want to purchase. 4th graders are allowed to shop during their lunch recess on Wednesday and Friday. If you pick up your child, you may also shop with them for 30 minutes after school Tuesday-Friday. You also have the chance to shop when you come to Curriculum Night if you show up early.

And as always, teachers will have a wish list as well if you would like to donate a book to your child's classroom. (=