Jumped Right In

We had a great first day at school. We jumped right into expectations and we even had time for math and spelling today. Here are some of the kids working with partners exploring their math Student Reference Book (SRB).

Introducing AwesomeNess Athletes

Today the class voted on a name to be called all year: AwesomeNess Athletes! Here they are.

Our Daily Schedule

Yahoo, it was so great meeting most of you today! We are going to have such an incredible year!

In case any of you were wondering what our schedule will look like this year, here it is:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:15- Start
9:30- Specialist
11:00- Recess
12:10-12:55- Lunch and recess
3:38- Go home

*Yes, we have a very long stretch in the afternoons. We will have a quick break and snack time. You may pack your snacks in your lunch and get them when it is time for snack. Snacks will not be provided.

9:00- Start
12:10-12:55- Lunch and recess
1:15- Go home

PE- Mondays and Tuesdays, 9:30-10:00
Library- Wednesdays, 11:10-11:40
Music- Thursdays and Fridays, 9:30-10:00

Yahoo, You're in My Class!

Welcome to my class! I'm so excited to meet you at Meet the Teacher Day on Monday, August 30th! Feel free to bring your school supplies that day if you want.

Introduce yourself by commenting and tell me one of the favorite things you did this summer!

Directions for leaving a comment:
1- Click on the comments button below this post
2- Write your comment in the box
3-Comment As: choose "Name/URL"
4- In the name box, write your first name and last initial only
5- Don't write anything in the URL box
6- Hit continue
7- Then click on "Post Comment"

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