Memorial Day- Homework

The last Monday of May is Memorial Day in the United States. On this day, Americans remember and honor the brave men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Military.
What makes someone a hero? Write a paragraph explaining what a hero is to you and how an individual becomes a hero. 

BizTown- Homework

We had a great day at Biztown. You got to be adults with real jobs, breaks, and the ability to shop where you wanted. In at least five sentences, write a letter to next year's fourth graders about BizTown. Explain what BizTown is, give them advice, tell them what you liked best, what you learned, etc.

Mother's Day- Homework

We just celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday. Use the topic sentence, "My mom is the best mom in the world," and write a persuasive paragraph convincing us why that is true.