Albert Einstein- Homework

The scientist, Albert Einstein, was born on March 14, 1879 in Germany. At an early age, Einstein showed a great interest in math and science. He built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics. Einstein is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. He is often regarded as the father of modern physics. Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.

One of Einstein's famous quotes is, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." What do you think he meant by that? Do you think it's true? Why or why not? (remember to write at least 5 thoughtful sentences!


mikayla said...

i thin k he meant lijke always use your knowlage and try to come up with great i deas neve give up

Andrew said...

Albert was important Albert discovered the theory of relativity. He was a great scientist and was born during the holocaust in europe. Eienstein was one of the inventors of the atomic bomb along with marie curie. Most scientists are still working on Einsteins incomplete feild theory and are still stumped by it. The world may never know the end to his theory.

Andrew said...

Mikayla do 5 sentences not one.

iSOBEL G. said...

Andrew you are not suppose to wright facts about him. you are suppose to wright about what he said.

ISOBEL G said...

I think imagination is more important than knowledge because you can come up with ideas that might be impossible today because you don't have enough answers for the invention that you want. But in the future people might try to make the invention you thought of because they have more knowledge to build it. People today are very smart but they don't know how to use their knowledge to build a new creation. People with more imagination are more likely to come up with different technologies.

CADEN N. said... said... said... said... said... said... said...

I think what he ment was think of great ideas then bring them to life or use your knowlage to do great things.Albert was called the smatest man ever!(and maybe he was)


CADEN N. said...

Im with isobel

CADEN N. said...

Im with isobel

Mia Y said...

I think Albert Einstein meant,"Come up with more ideas and you don't always have to use your knowledge." That's why he came up with so many cool ideas it's because he used his imagination. If I got my memory right I read that Albert Einstein said,"Never give up on what you started."I think he was trying to tell the people in the future to use your imagination and don't give up. He was really cool if you think about it.

Adam H said...

I think without imagination we should be nowhere.we would be sitting around doing nothing.without imagintion we would ent feel like we exist.if you have ever read the harry potter series its like a demontor sucked out your soul.imagintions is so much important than knowledge by far.Einsteins quote is so true.

Stephanie C. said...

I think it is true, imagination is more important than knowledge if you didn't have it than you couldn't creatively come up with a way to solve a division problem. Also, people who invented ways to do math had great ideas because of their imagination.Einstein was a very smart person , sure he didnt' do well in his school when he was a child but later on he became a great scientist.

Kamryn with a ''K'':) said...

I think he ment to just let your imagination run wild with your ideas. I think its true that imagination is more important than knowledge, because most of our imagination is what helps us get ideas. Also you might get ideas while your thinking in your imagination and it means that to try to make your ideas come to life. He might have ment to just try to make things possible with our imagination and knowledge. And like what Mikayla said, to never give up.

shriya said...

I think that knowledge is more important than imaginatoin.Because if you have knowledge than all your imaganatoins will come true. Also you can't buy a house, a car,food,you can't go to college also you can't get a job.

Nicole said...

I agree that imagination is more important than knowledge. I think he ment if you don't have an imagination you can't think outside the box. Also if you don't have an imagination you won't have a lot of knowledge. Plus if you don't have an imagination you won't come up with great ideas that give you knowledge.

Bryan B said...

It means if you use your imagination you can create things for the world to see. Imagination helps you think of new things that could help the world and then you use your knowledge to help create them. I think both imagination and knowledge are important because you first have to think of an idea and then you need to use your knowledge to help you make it. Maybe without imagination there would be no knowledge.

Ismail said...

Einstein said that "Imagination is important than knowledge."I think he is wrong.I think knowledge is more important because the more knowledge you have the more smarter you are.Also knowledge is more important because knowledge has true stuff and imagination has fake stuff.I think if you have more knowledge you can imagine more and with the power of knowledge you can fulfill your imagination.Last that the more you learn the more you grow.Now do you think knowledge is more important than imagination?

Ethan L. said...

I think Albert Einstein was right when he said "imagination is more important than knowledge." He was right because knowledge is something that is already known but imagination can help you make something new. Your imagination can go as far as it wants but knowledge only goes so far because it is only things that you know.

JakobM said...

I think he means you have to have an imagination to live a good life.If you do not have an imagination you will be bored and live an unhappy life. Your imagination can help you create stuff. I think imagination is more important because you might be smart but you will not be happy. I like to use my imagination to think of me bing a superhero.

Matt ;) said...

I think he meant that if you aren't that great at math you should not take everything seriously. I think this is true because even I somtimes need to have a laugh! Even in a show that I watch sometimes one guy takes everything seriously! Also I know its very imporent to have imagination when you are growing up.

Thank you for lisining,
Matt ;)

Laurel (Angela) Bangs said...

I think what Einstein meant was just,well, if you use your imagination, you never know whats possible. Using imagination can help you think of great inventions like the light bulb, the telephone, etc. Without imagination, this world would be different. If imagination isn't important, my middle name isn't Angela! I agree that knowledge is VERY important (Ismail + Shriya). But, without imagination, it's not half that.

Oscar =) said...

I think what Albert Einstein meant is that imagination is something you are born with, and knowledge is something that you can get during your lifetime. If you do not have imagination, you can't invent great and wild things. You can learn about things, and get knowledge, but your inventions will be boring. You can't learn imagination. I think they are both important to have. If you have knowledge only, your life can be boring, and if you have imagination only, you can still be happy. If you can have both, you can do anything!

Tjaden Y :-) said...

I think that your imagination can help make book ideas and products. I also think that your imagination is good because if you don't have friends over you can imagine friends to play with. I think that your imagination can help you create buildings that can be famous some day. Your imaginary friends can be in your dreams. Your imagination can get you far in life.

Madison C. said...

I think that sometimes imagination is more important than knowledge. For example, if you were going to create something new like a game, imagination would be more important. But sometimes knowledge is more important. If you are flying a plane, you are going to need more knowledge than imagination. In fact, you probably won't need any imagination at all when flying a plane! Somtimes, you need a little bit of imagination and knowledge. That is my opinion about Einstein's famous quote, "imagination is more important than knowledge."

BrAdEn S.. said...

What I think he meant is first get imagination then get knowledge. He would have never gotten the idea of light being the fastest thing in the universe without an incredible imagination. Cars back then probably went at least 10 mph and it would be hard to imagine any thing faster than that during that point in time. Albert's process is pretty simple after that: all he had to do was use his knowledge to prove his ideas. I do agree with Einstein, but I also think that you need imagination to have knowledge and you need knowledge to have imagination. I also think that Albert was awesome.

Duncan E =D said...

If you know a lot, you can be creative and show it. For instance, Braden knows a lot about math. He could do a math project to show the class that he is creative. Lots of people have talents and they can be creative with them with their imagination.


I think it's true because without our imagination we would probably be sitting here without inventions because we need our imaginations to think of new stuff. Albert Einstein was a great scientist.I think he meant you have to use your imagination to think of new inventions and math and science strategies.He probably used his imagination to think of and build his models.That is what I think he meant.

allie :) said...

I agree with Albert Einstein. It is more important to have imagination than knowledge. Imagination is like how you think. If you know how to think, you can learn about anything if you know how to think. You can look up how to spell things in a dictionary, and look up dates in history online. So if you can think and imagine you can find all kinds of knowledge.

Brady L. said...

I think he was correct because you can know everything but know nothing more than facts. Some inventions might not have been invented if those people didn't think outside the facts. Take computers for example, if people didn't use their imagination that concept might have never been even thought of. Jules Verne had a huge imagination. Take his book 20,000 Leagues under the sea, he mentioned something very close to a submarine. And that was before submarines were even invented! That's why I think he was right.

Courtney said...

I think that it is true that imagination is more important then knowledge because if you don't use your imagination then you probably are going to have a very boring life. For example, if you were an inventor and you didn't have an imagination then no one will buy your creation because the invention will probably be really plain and not creative at all. Also if you use your imagination then you can create new and easier ways to do things. I also agree with Nicole that if you don't have an imagination then you wont have much knowledge. That is what I think:).

Courtney said...

I think that it is true that imagination is more important then knowledge because if you don't use your imagination then you probably are going to have a very boring life. For example, if you were an inventor and you didn't have an imagination then no one will buy your creation because the invention will probably be really plain and not creative at all. Also if you use your imagination then you can create new and easier ways to do things. I also agree with Nicole that if you don't have an imagination then you wont have much knowledge. That is what I think:).

Courtney said...

Why did it post 2 times?