Seasons- Homework

Winter is nearly over! March 20th is the first day of spring!

Write a persuasive paragraph (at least five sentences) about which season you think is the best season. Be sure to include details and reasons WHY the season you chose is the best.


Liam said...

My favorite season is summer. My first reason is because there's no school! There's no homework and no waking up early. Another reason that I love summer is because my family travels. I like to travel to new places and also to other states I've already been to. Those are the reasons I like summer the best!

Spoorthi said...

My favorite season is winter. I like winter because that’s the season when it’s my birthday. I also like because sometimes it snows and you get to make snow angels and snow forts. I once made a snow fort but when I tried to put some snow balls on, it all fell down and vanished into the snow. I also like winter because you can see the fresh air you breath out with fog. I was born in a blizzard at South Field, Michigan so I like winter because of that too. I like winter because there are soooooooo many awesome things to do!  

Aidan said...

I prefer the summer season because there is no school. You also get to go on vacation to new places. Next you get to swim and it is not too cold. The weather is warm and sunny. I like it how we can sit outside for dinner and barbeque. A great summer day would be spending the day fishing, hanging out at the beach, and barbequing!

Malisa:):):)#15 said...

Well I have two favorite seasons my first ine is probably spring because my birthday is in spring so it is very exciting for me when it hits april 1 because thats when it really gets close to my b-day. And I like spring because thats when it is pretty nice outside birds are chirping,flowers bloming its just beautiful. And perfect weather to have a nice warm barbecue. My second favorite season is summer because there is no school! No offence to all the teachers out there how love it. Us students just love a little three month break from learning and sit back and chill. Like me cousin always say chill'n like a villan. I also like it because you don't have to worry about grades the only thing that would make a nice hot sunny day better would be swimming at the pool with a cup of lemonade.

Maggie #5 said...

I think my favorite season is summer because for one you are off from school. For two you get to swim all day. unlike winter the lakes and water is frozen. Who likes having to wake up at 7:30 " not me", and in summer you get to sleep in. You can go on two week vacations. That's why I like summer the best out of all the other seasons.

Maddie MMB said...

I like summer a lot. I love summer because there is hot weather. Also summer is good for swimming and enjoying time outside in the sun. Another reason I love summer is because no waking up early and NO SCHOOL!!!! That is why I love summer!

justin@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ said...

I like summer because I dont have any allerges.And it dosent rain a lot.Its fun because I can play bamonton and football.I kind of dont like summer because you cant see your friends.But the best thing about summer is I dont have to go to school!!!!!

Erin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

My favorite season would be summer because all the stress from school is off of me and I have time to have play-dates and fun stuff like that.I like summer because I can swim, once with our neighbors we all went to my house and watched a movie in our pool.Summer is awesome it's to awesome to explain! Summer is the longest time we get to go on vacation last year in third grade we went on the island of Oahu and we had a lot of fun we went there for two weeks and that was a lot of time (at least for me.)That is why I love summer SOOOOO much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew N is !!! (!!! = awesome) said...

Winter is my favorite season because of snow. One time there was a blizzard in Washington where we live, and all of our family members made a snowman! Another time in Winthrop, Washington we built a snow fort! The best parts about snow are the snowball fights! Once I had a snowball fight and I got hit in the eye! Even though snowball fights can be painful, they are still a lot of fun!

Matt said...

Winter is my favorite season. In winter there are lots of fun things to do like sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights, building a snowman, and much more! You will always know that there will be a ton of fun everywhere when winter comes. After you get cold and tired from playing in the snow, You can grab a nice, hot refreshing cup of coco or coffee, sit by a cozy fire, all snuggled in a warm, comfortable blanket watching T.V or taking a nap. These are exactly the reasons why you should like winter like I do.

arman :) said...

I prefer the summer season. Because there is no school.In summer you get to sleep in. You can also sleep very late. Also can play outside since it is a very sunny day

Unknown said...


my favorite season is spring ! because my b-day of course . Also because of all the colors!!!! I like the feeling of all the plants being reborn. And the SUN!!!!!!!! What's your favorite Mrs.Ness? :)!!!!!!

Unknown said...


sorry published before i could make a capital M for My at the begining

Kareena S #20 said...

I think the best seson of all is Summer. I think summer is the best because the warm sun greets you when you go to the beach or anywhere outside really. Plus,of course my birthday is in the warm summer so I can have a warm day on my birthday. Another reson I thnk summer is the best because it is in the middle of the year. I think that is cool because right when the bad whether starts up at the end of the year and at the beggining of the year it is nice to have a warm few months in the midde of the year. Plus, in the summer you get to go swimming and surfing and stuff like that-I live next to a lake so I in the summer I go swimming everyday. That is why I think summer is the best!!!!

Annie :) said...

My FAVORITE seoson of the year is by far winter. I get to go visit my cabin almost every weekend and go sleding and tubing.Also,I get to drink hot cocoa.And it's better when it's cold outside. My favorite part of going up there is downhill skiing. I love skiing more than anything. I also love Winter because we have two breaks! Also, I get to make snow forts and have a snowball fight with my brothers. Even though I always end up crying because either Alex or Ryan hits me in the face. Also, you can walk to the store and get candy. It's just a little walk down a hill. There's also a pizza place so we have dinner there a lot. Now do you see why I LOVE Winter?

Kareena S. # 20 said...

instead of "think" on the third line I put "thnk"(without an i)

Arthur said...

Summer is my favorite season because there are more things to do than during the other seasons. For example, you can have a water gun fight outside without getting cold, you can play with friends out in the sun , you can go swimming in the lake, you can eat popsicles outside, and much more. Also I like it because there is no school, no homework, and you can travel anywhere you want. And we play outside every day from really early to really late. The sun rises at about 7 am and sets at about 10 pm.

jacob :p said...

I think that summer is the best season because you have no school. Also you can swim whenever you want!
Summer is the best because you get to go on vacation.
Another reason that makes it my favorite season is that every pokemon game comes out in summer. Finally sumer is favorite season because it is so much fun.

Adam said...

My favorite season is winter because I love Christmas and opening all of the presents on Christmas morning. But I like it even more because of all the snow. My favorite thing to do in the snow is to go sledding because I have a really long and steep driveway. Another really fun thing I like to do is have a snowball fight with my friends. I also love to ski and snowboard when I get the chance.

Cade said...

My favorite season is Summer. Unlike other seasons Summer is warm and sunny most of the summer. Its also good because the Ice Cream Truck. I also like it because every day their is a cloud free sky. Finally, the days are longer. Summer is my favorite season.

Omar said...

Summer is my favorite season because first it is mostly all ways hot.seccend, school is out for 2 1/2,my birthday is in summer.Also i get to get out and go play with my friend who goes to pcms and with all the homeworh we hardle ever get to see each other and thats when we get to see each other. and that is why i like summer the best of the four seasons

Gracie said...

My favorite season is Summer. I like it because you can just relax all day. Also you can go to the beach and swim. Also, I like it because you can go to awesome camps. Last I like it because their is no such thing as being late(unless your late to a camp.) Thats why I like summer

Mrs. Ness said...

Thanks for asking, Mercedes. My favorite season is definitely summer. I love everything about summer: the SUN, the feeling of being warm, going boating, eating meals with my family outside, eating yummy fresh fruit, paddle boarding, laying in the sun, not working, being outdoors way more than the rest of the year, the list goes on and on! Only 12 weeks to go!

Jake :) said...

I think summer is the best season because summer break and lots of stuff comes out at that time like fairs and movie and video games! another reason is you can go swiming and have waterballoon fight well you can do that any time but it won't be that fun.

katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

My favorite season is summer.I think summer beacause my family always gose to mawii and I get to tan and play in the water and have fun with my whole family.I also think summer beacause I have a cabin.I have a pool there and I loved to swimm in the pool and we have grass so I get to play fun games with my dogs and I just love summer.And the 3rd thing is that I love about summer is that my family gose to caniforna like every summer and I see my family and my tree of my family and I play in the sand and go snorkiling.And thats my fav season.