New State Law- Homework

If you could create a new state law, what would it be? Why would it be a good law?

Your answer will not count if you choose something that is silly and would be impossible to make as a law. Please thoughtfully think of something that could be changed in Washington and give your reasons why it would be a great law to have. Remember to include at least five sentences.


Jake :) said...

I think a good state law would be that weekends are the a week long and school days are a week long. The reason I think this is because it would be more fair. And the teachers can give more homework. Every body will get a nice break. That's my suggestion for a state law.

Omar said...

i think a good state law would be that people who are poor could have free tuision to any school.eduacation is important for every one.and some people love love love to learn. and some poeple are gifted in math if you ask a math problem they will solve it so fast. and you will need to get in to jobs. and that is why i think that should be a good state law.

Gracie said...

I think a good state law would be that everyone has to have parents. I think this because people can just rome around the world. Also parents sometimes buy stuff for you. Next you'll feel more loved and happier with parents. Last people should have parents because parents can drive places you want to go.

Spoorthi said...

I think a good school law should be that kids can have lunch whenever they want to. They will still miss part of class so they could come in whenever they want to. For example, they could come at recess. The students MUST inform their teachers before they go. The teachers will write their names down. There could be a lunch break when the whole school eats there lunch too, just so that everyone has their lunch. The reason I think this because sometimes you get hungry and then you can’t concentrate. That is why I think people at school can have lunch breaks whenever they want to.

Aidan said...

My law would be, people, and companies can't throw things away in the garbage that are recyclable.
Also it would be a good thing if people started throwing away trash in the trash bag and recycle in the recycle bin.
People need to be more respectful about the earth because if they don't recycle they will create more garbage and pollution.
Its very important because you could die if the air gets to polluted by the garbage and recycle.
This action can help people preserve the earth, so thats why I think it should become a law.

katie$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said...

I think a good state law wold be to not pay for a plastike bag.I man just one person one person had to make the most bad law wich was um... taking out paper bags and then pay 5 cents for a paper bag i mean just i would not make a bad law beacause my mom had 12$ for safeway but then she bacikly got robed beacause we people had to pay for a bag. If i could cange that law i would do it like this. i would take out plastike bag beacause of recicle and thats it not all of that.

kati$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ said...

oops in that i mean mean not man

jacob :p said...

I think a good law for Washington state is more security for things like schools and banks. A way this could help Washington is there would be a lot less crimes like the one at that school in Connecticut . Another great reason this should be a law is that it would prevent many robberies . Finally one more reason this would be a great law is it would prevent many injuries and deaths. Lastly I think more protection would be a wonderful law.

Matt said...

A law that I think is a good law is that all stores that sell guns should not sell them anymore. However, if you want a gun, you have to buy it from a police station and have tham do a backround check. Without this law, guns could fall into the wrong hands and be very dangerous to everyone. With this law, I think it everyone will be safer this way.

justin:E :F said...

A law is a thing you cant have to follow laws or you will go to jall or city court.Like if you rob someone you go to jall.If we didnt have laws it will go crazy!But good thing we have laws.

Maddie MMB said...

I think that we should not have video games in our state. Its not good for your brain and you have to be outside and not stay in front of the TV all the time. I think its important to be social not anti-social. I also think some video games are gory and just things that are not good for the human brain. I also think some times people play video games so much that the foget to do there homework and dont get enough sleep and come to school the next day with bags under there eyes and so not in touch with the world and super anti-social. Not every one is super idicted to video games but I know alot of people Who are. So I think just to be a good state we should band video games.

Arthur said...

If I were to create a new law it would be that people cannot have guns in their house. It would be unsafe for others. Even though they are tested and have the right they can all of a sudden go berserk. And start shooting people. And kids might accidently fire it.

Malisa๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‡ said...

I think I that if you're under 14 years old you can't play Violent video games. Well because he violent video games can effect your brain by all the bad words, bloody effects, and lots of other gory things. And I think kids under 14 isn't ready for that kind of stuff yet. They could see things they don't want to see. So they would probably regret playing those video games. I know about 28 of people died at Sandy Hook Elementary because of this one man. So he killed himself so he didn't have to jail,but later investigators went in his house a found violent video games at his house. So my conclusion was that he probably go influced that he could probably go around and start killing random people.

Arthur said...

If I were to create a law it would be that people cannot have guns in their house. It is dangerous for them and for other people when there are so many guns around. People can all of a sudden go crazy and start shooting other people for no reason. It is also dangerous for kids. When they have a play date or a sleep over the kids can grab the gun and accidentally fire it without knowing it is loaded. These are the reasons why I think it is a good law.

Cade said...

I think a good state law would be that everyone should save something in their whole life. The reason I think this because it would make the world better. Also, it would be kind. Finally, saving something could help the Earth, like helping Global Warming. I think my Bill should become a law.

Kareena said...

I think a good state law would be for students at school should have not as much free time or more work time so students could get a very nice and strong education in stuff like math and science. I think this would be a good law because as we get older, and subjects get harder, it is good for us to work it out not just quickly see what it is and learn it fast and get it over with. I think we should have a nice slot of time to work the problem out and solve it correctly rather then, doing it fast and wrong. Also, as we get more and more free time, like in the summer we forget some of the things we learned in the past, but if we have more time to get used to it then we would keep it stuck in our head. I don't want this to be a bad thing so we get hours of more learning so we push our brains too hard and get headaches, but just a little bit of more time to work things out. That is a law that I think is very good.

Liam said...

I believe that people in WA should not be allowed to drink alcohol. It's bad for your body. Some people drink alcohol and drive their cars and cause accidents. Sometimes they kill innocent people. That's why I think alcohol should be unlawful.

Erin (the awesome gummy bear) said...

Alcohol should be ileagle because so many people get dumb because about one- hundred-thousand brain cells die you get drunk and then you drive your car and kill a hole bunch of people; also known as a drunk driver.So many people die and today my mom heard on the news when shape dropped my brother of at school that a mom that just gave birth a dad the grandparents of the newborn where taking their first walk with the baby the baby was just born ten days ago apperantly had killed two people and the mom had brain damage and the baby flew off from her the baby has emergency liver damage intestinal damage and brain damage the drunk driver had to go to court because he was drinking while driving, then he got told to put a machine in his car he did not and is going to prison.I am writing this because it is hiley urgent.That is why I chose this idea for a law.

Unknown said...

Mercedes :)

Something that should be a law is that the state tree should be an evergreen tree because people say that WA. is the the evergreen state so shouldn't it be the evergreen tree right? Plus I think evergreens are very pretty!

Matthew N ? ? ? ? ? said...

I think a new state law would be people should not eat processed foods. Sometimes, when processed foods taste good then it usually has something bad in it for you. Most times, processed foods have high fructose corn syrup as one of the ingredients. Too much high fructose corn syrup can be a bad thing and can make you overweight. That’s why you should never eat high fructose corn syrup or processed food again.

arman :) said...

I think everybody should bring can food for the homeless. For at lest once a year. so the homeless people
cant be sick. Also so the homeless
don't die by food. Also or you can give the homeless money. So they can spend it on food.

OMAR said...

I think a good state law would be that people who are poor could have free tuision to any school.Eduacation is important for every one.and some people love love love to learn. Some poeple are gifted in math if you ask a math problem they will solve it so fast. and you will need to get in to jobs.That is why i think that should be a good state law.

Grace! said...

I think that a good law would be that the school bus seats should be one long seat on both of the sides facing eachother. I think this because first of all it would be MUCH eaiser to find a seat in the morning so we could get to school faster. Second, the bus driver could see kids better and make sure that they are not doing things they should not be doing! Third, the aisle would be much eaiser to walk through. Lastly, I personally like to see people, and with these seats we would have much more space and you would be able to see more people and talk to more people. That is what I think should become a law!

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