BizTown- Homework
Mrs. Ness 4th Graders | Monday, March 26, 2012 | homework | 21 comments
What are you looking forward to learning about during our BizTown unit? What questions do you still have about BizTown? Based on the information you've learned about BizTown so far, what are you most looking forward to when we go on our field trip?
Remember, your response needs to be at least five sentences.
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I have 5 reasons why I am looking forward to Biz town.
1. I get to learn how to work a cash register!
2. I get to see my mom because she is volunteering.
3. We get to buy things with our Biz town money.
4. We might get interviewed and lots of people see you.
5. Last but not least we get to serve our customers and make them HAPPY!
I am looking foward to leaning new things about taxes.One question I have about biztown is how big is it?The thing I am most looking foward to at biztown is the the cafe and voting.
What jobs to they have and what does that they do. What do we do when we get there. What will we buy there. I know it will be a lot a fun when we get there. I hope we will all have a get time.
I'm super excited about biz town because we get to so much stuff. like taxes and jobs and we can work a cash register!
I have five things I am looking forward to learn about during Biz Town unit.
1.Where exactly is Biz Town located?
2.Are we exactly going to do the same things as adults do to make money?
3.Are we going to buy real electronics with the Biz Town bucks earned?
4.What kinds of job will be offered in Biz Town?
I hope this field trip will be lot of fun.
I am looking forward to Biz Town because you can see what it is like to be an adult at their job. Also, you can buy things with Biz Town money. I am excited to learn what is like to be a lawyer, a worker at AAA and UPS person.
I can't wait to spend my Biz moola at Biz Town. Do they have shakes at the cafe? I hope so! Anyways here are my reasons why I can't wait:
#1.Spending Biz Bucks of course!
#2.The pure awesomeness of being an adult for a day.
#3.Getting to have a real job to earn currency.
#4.Having my classmates deliver the stuff I will need from UPS.
Last but definetly not least...
#5.Using the moola we make to GO TO THE CAFE!
I am looking forward to learning how to write checks. Here are some of my questions about Biz Town.
1. What types of jobs do we get to apply for?
2. How many people can do a job at once?
3. Does everybody get paid the same amount for their jobs?
I'm really excited that we get to have jobs that grown-ups do everyday. It's exciting!
I'm looking forward Biz town
because it's fun!!! One reason I want to go to Biz town is we get to have fake jobs for a day. Also I'm looking forward to Biz town is there are lots of jobs to choose from. Plus we will have lots of fun! These are some reasons I'm looking forward to Biz town . Lastly I have some qestions about Biz town like how big is it huge or is it minisule?????
I am looking forward to the jobs we're going to get once in Biztown, and learning about each business. I am also looking forward to buying real things that we earn from our jobs. A question that I have is, How many different jobs will there be? I am really looking forward to working at the job I get, and acting like a grown-up.
I am looking forward to all the jobs at biztown. Also, we get to see what are parents jobs are like! I am also excited about going shopping with are money that we earn. I have the same question as stephanie. How many different jobs are there? :)
I am looking forward to Biztown for these five reasons:
1.Writing checks in Biztown
2.Like Braden said, spending some
3.How big is biztown? Is it as big as a real town?
4.I might get to know what my dad does as a lawyer.
5.It is on my B-day!
What are all the diffrent jobs? Aaahhh! The suspense is killing me!
I am really looking forward to JA Biz' Town! I am super exited about learning what it is like to be an adult. I'm also exited to spend some money at places like the cafe. My only question is: What are all the jobs you can get? I don't really care that much about what job I do get, but I'm hoping to be on the Biz' town TV in someway. I'm just REALLY exited to be going, that's all.
What I am looking forward to just having a job for a day and learning how buisnesses run and then experience it. One question I have about BizTown is what are all of the jobs and how much BizBucks you get paid. Based on the information I have learned I am looking forward to seeing how the BizTown economy runs. I am also looking forward to buying things on breaks and eating at the cafe! That's what I am looking forward to in BizTown.
Here are 5 reason that I am looking forward to our trip to BizTown:
1. I'm looking forward to being an adult.
2. I'm gonna learn how to write checks.
3. I'm so gonna spend some mullah mullah mullah.
4. I would like to be a police officer like my Grandpa
5. I'm going to celebrate Matt's b-day.
I would like to know how it feels to be like an adult.
Also wanted to do a business like my parents.
I guess we can get to learn lot of new things about working in a shop.
I might get to know how to use a cash register.
I'm so excited and looking forward for Biz Town.
I am really looking forward to learning how to do some jobs in biz-town and seeing how businesses work. I am also super excited because we get to see what it's like to be a grown up and get paid for our jobs. I am looking forward to getting to spend our biz-town money at stores and to actually have a job that our parents might have even though we only have it for a day. Also I'm really excited for just seeing what all the shops look like inside and I am excited because I might be able to be an a comercail although its fake. I really want to learn how to work a cash register to. And I'm super excited for biz-town!!!
I am really looking forward to our field trip to BizTown, and learn how to manage money and have a job. It will be nice to play "grown up" for a day, and still go back to being a kid afterward! I learned a lot about BizTown but I have a few questions left:
1) How long will we be there?
2) Is one of the jobs in law enforcement?
3) Is there a hospital there?
4) Is the president represented in BizTown?
I am looking forward to Biztown because:
1. We get to experience what it feels like to be an adult.
2. We get to spend Biztown bucks
3. We get to eat pizza during break
4. We get to help out customers during their breaks.
5. We get to apply for jobs we think that will be good for us when we grow up.
I'm looking forward to Biztown because:
We get to work all day like our parents do.
We get to dress up nicely
We get to learn how to do things we will do when we grow up
Have time for breaks so we can talk about work and its struggles at Starbucks
We apply for jobs that fit us
i caint wait for biztown because:
1. i want to write checks
2. deposit tickets
3. buy things
4. eat the yummy food
5. and last act like an adoult
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