Spring Break Story- Homework

Write a small story about ONE small event that happened over spring break. Don't tell me about an entire trip. Pick ONE thing that happened and write an interesting (true) story about it. Your story must be at least five sentences, but can be longer if you choose.


:E :F justin said... said... said... said...

One thing I did is that I went to canada.The thing I did is that we shopped,played with the tablet.I sleeped in,played games like chess.I Playing with my waterguns.
And thats mostley what I did.

Malisa😊☺πŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜›πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜‚πŸ³ said...

My one favorite event was when I was babysitting my two baby cousins one is named Brooke she is 7 months old and Nolan he is 4 months old. By the way their not brother and sisters or anything their cousins so that would make them my 2nd cousins. So on with the story when Nolan was in his mechanic swing watching TV when I asked him am I in your way of watching TV buddy? Then he said auh huh. Which was pretty funny πŸ˜› so I laugh till my stomach was hurting. So from that day on I knew that, that baby loved TV.

Unknown said...


My trip was amazing I went to California I flew alone it was so fun! I went to my Grandma's house while I was there I say Gone With the Wind it was 4 hours long it even had an entermision that was kind of cool.Then for an early birthday celebration we decided we should go out for dinner we sceduled a reservation at a fancy resturaunt. Then thhe night of the dinner we drive 10 min.s to get to Vila Doro, the reasturaunt we get there it is closed:( ! So we dicide to go to seven sisters a reasturaunt (okay just to let you know I just going to name the resturaunts from now on :) okay ) we drove ten min.s to get to seven sisters when we got there it was closed:( ! So we headed to so we go to Gus,s place it took us 5 min.s it was way to crowded :( ! So we went to emberz it took us 10 min.s it was closed
:( ! Finally we got to tululas it was OPEN!!!!:)! Then, we ate a good dinner yum :) That is my crazy spring break story.

Tuesday,April 16 2013 (my B-day)

Gracie said...

One thing I did on the spring vacation is see the Croods. It was about Change and how the dad didn't what to change anything he did. His daughter Eve did want change though. She just wanted to go exlplore. One day there house blows down and they have to change. A guy named Guy helped them go to tommorow where they could have a better live. And thats one thing I did on my vaca.

Matthew :) said...

For my spring break trip I went downhill skiing at Crystal Mountain. All of the fourth graders that went on the trip were Matthew Masgavage, Kai, Roger Kline, Trevor, and me. Also some fifth graders went on the trip. The whole time that we were skiing, we only went down green circles (easy) and blue squares (intermediate). The skiing run I hated the most went down was Green Valley (hard blue). The skiing run that I liked the most was Lucky Shot (easy blue).

Aidan said...

During spring break I got to experence sky diving the safe way, at iFly. My instructor's name was Willo. Flying is harder then it looks, but Willo taught me well. At first, I stayed low in the flight chamber. With Willo's help I was able to fly higher. At the end of my lesson Willo flew with me to the top. I had the best time at iFly. I also flew with my dad.

Maggie:) said...

One thing that happend was we were on the beach playing at my cabin and a other family was walking on the beach and there dog came loose.The other dog came over and to play with our dog then the mom came over scared that her dog was comeing after our dog.As soon as that happend they started talking.There kid was my little sisters age.As soon as I knew it we were haveing oysters together.
then his older sister came .She is 13.See is nice.Everybody loved the oysters.That is what happend on my last day of break and the last day of spring break and the san juan islands.

Liam said...

My favorite thing about spring break was riding Splash Mountain at Disney World in Florida. The first and second times I rode it, I was a little scared of the big drop. On the third ride, I got used to the drop. The fourth time, I found a "hidden Mickey" in a basket during the ride. I'm so glad I got to ride it four times!

katie said...

One thing i didi on spring break is that i whent to my cabin and I got a lote of sunshine and i played in the waster and the lake.and thats all i did on spring break.

Arthur said...

One weird thing happened Wednesday at school, there was a guy with a gun on the parking lot of Matthews Thriftway. My dad and my sister were locked down in the store. I had to stay at club connection past the time limit, until my neighbor came to pick me up. Until 9:30. The police helped my dad and my sister leave the store around 9:30. That is my spring break story.

arman :) said...

I played video games for spring break. Ya i didn't really do anything
for spring break. So the game a played was halo 4. On spring break i beat the game. And it was a lot of fun playing the game.

jacob :p said...

Over spring break I did alot of things but I think that this is one is one of my favorite events and it is... a giant toy store. I know we've all been to big toy stores but no this one has 7 floors!!!! They all have something different on each floor. my favorite floor is number 7 it has pokemon and candy. Combine all this with the fact that it is in the heart of london and you have kid heaven

Adam said...

One thing I did over spring break was that I went to a place in Cancun, Mexico called Xpolore. The first thing I did was going zip lining over a rain forest. It was amazing. It was kind of scary on the launching pad but once you were actually in the air it was awesome, all you had to do was relax, take in the views, and prepare for the landing. There were fourteen zip line towers, three water landings, and one water slide. The next thing we did was we went to ride on the amphibious vehicles right below the zip lines. I saw a few of these cars drive by when I was in the towers. It was a bumpy ride, but it was still super fun. That is until we ran out of gas in the middle of the ride. WE had to wait for my mom and sister to come get us and they were really, really slow. I had to sit on my mom's lap because I was the smallest. We kept getting sprayed by these sprinkler that were all along the trail. The thing we did was go rafting which was kind of boring. All you do is strap these weird paddle things to your hands and go around the inside of a cave. The next thing we did was the river swim. We could only take the shorter route because our bus would be leaving soon. Like the rafting the swimming was inside the cave that was under ground.

Matt said...

I went skiing over spring break. I first went skiing with my instructers Christan and Michelle. We went down greens, bules, and even blacks. I did a face plant while skiing down the black. Then my other two friends came and we went skiing together. After that I left. That's what I did over spring break. How about you?

Cade said"I am @ ur house" said...

Over Spring Break I went to California. Me and my family went to Dana Point which is near the beach.Also, We went to the beach one day and we went out to far and got sucked into a riptide. Me and my brother tried to get back but we were to tired. And then we made it back safe and sound.

Kareena S. #20 said...

Over break I went to the great Wolf Lodge with my friend Brooke. When we got there we went straight to the water park after changing in to our swimsuits. We did a couple of things he n we decided o go on the "Howling Tornado," a water slide. So, we did that and all the other slides and this and that, and here and there. Then we went on the Howling Tornado again because Brooke fell in love with. So, we did it. We went down the steep drop and twirl around here and there. Then right after the big, main part, Brookes dad puts his hands in the air and he tumbles of the tube that we were siting on. he made it at the safe and sound, but it was really freaky and really weird. It was a crazy day!!!!!:-)

Jake:) said...

My spring break was fun. I went to Cancun to the Grand Palladium. When I went snorkeling I saw a big parrot fish. It pooped 4 times it had blue lips and orange scales. I saw millions of other fish I fed some of them. Thats one thing I did on my spring break.

Erin the awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Over good spring break we found a realy good frozen yogurt place called Menchies.Menchies is our family favorite desert,they say to take your spoon so you remember your fun at Menchies.their is a varity of frozen yogurt flavors.My top favorite flavors are root beer float,pineapple,and cake badder.When you go to weigh the frozen yogurt choose your spoon and the bucket with the spoons all the stuff is free.

Madison said...

My favorite thing on spring break was going to the Great Wolf Lodge. we had an amazing time. I went swimming in the huge water park and after I was done swimming I got to have dip-in-dots. I played this game called magic quest I beat rhe last level. I did this game were you train to be a wolf well it was alot of work. I will never forget my trip to the Great Wolf Lodge.

Annie :) said...

One of my favorite events over spring break was playing a soccer game at the South Cove park with my two brothers and their friends. The teams were Alex, Griffin, (Alexs friend) and I vs. Ryan, Jack, Jared, and a different Ryan. We bet that if we beat them, they have to buy us slurpees. If they win, we buy them slurpees. The game was to seven. At the end of the game it was... 7-3! But they won :(. Oh well! we didn't tell them but we didn't pay for their slurpees, my mom did.It was still very fun and the slurpees were yummy!

Grace! said...

I had a lot of fun over spring break, but what was really fun was when I went to this awesome hotel called Embassy Suites. I went there because my dad was hoasting poker and didn't want us at home. So I went there with my mom, my siser, and I. It was really fun because my mom bought us three HUGE bags of candy, one for each of us! It was also fun because we got to swim a lot at this amazing pool with a waterfall. In addition, My sister and I stuffed pillows up our shirt and ran into eachother! Lastly, I loved the breakfast there because they have everything you can ever imagine! That hotel was amazing.

Arthur said...

Wednesday the police got a call from Matthews Thriftway. There was a person with a gun on the parking lot of the store. when the police got there they all shouted "drop your weapon". The person did not want to surrender. The person had his girlfriend with him. During this time my dad was in the store with my sister and I was stuck at school with my brother. At about 7:30 Maggie came to pick me up. way later the person gave up and was taken to jail.