Spring Break Story- Take 2 (Homework)

Let's try this again...Write a small STORY about ONE small event that happened over spring break. Don't tell me about your entire break. Pick ONE thing that happened and write an interesting (true) STORY about it. Your story must be at least five sentences, but can be longer if you choose. 
*SHOW, don't tell. Include dialogue and great descriptions!


Annie :) said...

I was so attached to my T.V. The season finally of Psych my favorite show. Finally I blinked. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

My mom comes ruhing in. "Annie what's wrong????"

"It hurts when I blink!" I replied.

My mom said, "Annie get outside and enjoy the sunight! It's goergious out there!"

"Ugh!" I said when I just couldnt get up.

I walked outside to do tricks on my trampoline only to find Alex on!

"Alex!" I yelled. "Get off the trampoline!!!" I was still grumpy from the hours of T.V.

Alex replied, "Fine. I'll go ask Ryan if he wants to play soccer."

Just then, Griffin arrived, Alex's friend.

"Alex Griffin's here!" I yelled.

Alex rushed over to greet him. I started jumping and doing flips. OOH! Let'see how many back hand springs I can do in a row! 1-2-3-4-5 all the way to fifty back hand springs!

Annie! Ryan and his friends are meeting us at the park to start a soccer game!" Lex said with Griffin next to him.

I jumped out of the trampoline only to remember I was very dizzy. I didn't fall over but I kept on bumping into Griffin.

When we got outside our gate. We saw Ryan B., Jared, Ryan T., and Jack waiting.

"Hey! The game is to 7 and whoever loses has to buy the other team slurpees! I challenged.

We started. Emediately, Griffin stole the ball from Ryan B. and scored.

Oh Griffin, now I'm going to start playing hard ball.Ryan B. said.

Ryan T. passed it to Jared and scored. 1-1 I said.It ended up to be 7-3! But they won. Ah man!

"Oh well. Good game you guys!" Hoping they would forget that we had to buy them slurpees.

I started walking but got interupted.

Ah-ah-ah aren't you forgetting something? Ryan B. questioned.

I watched as Alex and Griffin pulled in the driveway from 7-11.

I went to the door to greet them."Thank You very much!"

I grabbed my slurpee and started sipping. Best day ever - even though we lost.

Aidan :) said...

This past spring break, my family went to the Space Needle. This is the first time I went to the Space Needle. When I got on the elevator I realized it was a glass elevator. I looked down to the ground and I had a chill go down my back as if the elevator was going to drop. When we got off the elevator me and my brother, Gage, ran to the veiwing deck as fast as we could. We walked around the whole deck and checked out the view. There were telescopes mounted to the deck and we looked at all the great sights through the telescopes. Finally, we went inside and checked out the cool gadgets; then rode the elevator back down to the ground. That was the end of my amazing trip.

Katie;) said...

This past spring break I have bing at my cabin."mom" comes running out side, 'whats wrong is somebody hert'.'I need my bathingsuit'I replide.'ok'mo my said 'Im going out side'Ok'man do I love a sunny day'just when i step of the porch AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Whats wrong katie?????' 'Its snowing'I8 said happy but also sad because it was 70 out side.'well Im going back in my bathing sute.and thats what i did in spring break.

Omar :3 said...

One day on spring break, my brother surprised me.
He said “Omar get ready, I am taking you to a birthday party”

“Who’s?” I asked

“Andy’s daughter” he replied

“Where is it?” I asked

“At the Eremon farm” he said

“What are we getting her?” I asked again

“Probably a Gift card, so she can buy whatever she would like”

We went, bought the gift card, and a nice funny card, I wrote something nice wishing her a happy birthday.
When we got there, my brother dropped me off and he left.
Then, my friend Safyia asked me to help her and her friends to hide play dough for the scavenger hunt.
After that we went to the barn and saw the horses. We got to ride on the horses. We got to do the PiƱata, got a lot of candy, we sang happy birthday around a beautiful cake. Then we ate homemade ice cream that was delicious!
My friend thought me the cup song, we saw the gift opening which was fun, and then my mom came to pick me up.
That was for me the highlight of my Spring break!

arman :) said...

When i came home I wanted to play video games.

Are you done with your homework". my mom said.

"I dont have any homework mom". I said.

Maggie said...

It started while I was at my cabin spending my time watching all the Narnia movies because it was too rainy to go out side.So I was inside.I yell "ourrrrrrrggg let me go outside"



"because it is too rainy outside."

"I dont care at all.

"You are not going out side"

"Okaaay,"I said sounding grouchy.

Finally on the last day of spring break it was partly sunny.So I hurried to get dressed and ran outside down to the beach. I was so happy to go down when it was sunny! Yaaaaaaaaay!

Malisa����☺������������������ said...

Well it was a warm sunny day when I was with my cousin Lisa when we were returning from my birthday lunch. My aunt said that both of the babies already woke up from their naps. Then I heard the dreadful sound of Nolan crying. Right before I could question my aunt she said she was preparing his milk might take awhile. If you could distract him that would be great. I knew I would have to distract him for awhile I had an idea. My idea was sumo wresting because we had Brooke also we could do sumo wresting. Brooke's moves were "I like your hair and boom" . The I like your hair trick is a classic what you do in this monomer you pet the person's hair they distracted and pow! That it pretty munch.

Gracie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

"Hey Grace,"my mom said.

"What,"I replied.

"Do you want to see the Croods?"my mom asked me.

"Sure I'd love to"I said enthusiastically.

"Hey what about Emma"I replied?"

"Go ask her,"my mom replied to me.

"Ok,"I said.Hey Emma want to go to see the Croods.

"Sure," Emma said.

"Hey mom when are we going to see it?"I asked

"On Wensday, in three days,"my mom replied.

"Thanks for the info,"I said. Finally the day came. Me, my mom, and my sister jumped in the car and we drove to see the Croods. We found a good seat and sat down. After that we watched the Movie. It was about Change and how the dad doesn't want Change. On the other hand his daughter Eve does want Change. One day there house blows down. At the End something magical happenes.If you want to hear the rest then you can see it.
Now thats a Spring break story.

Matt> said...

"My feet in these boots hurt!" My sister complained over and over again.

" Fine. Then you don't get to go skiing," replied dad.

Finally my sister was quiet. We were driving up to Whistler to ski. We arrived in Whistler in the afternoon. A nice sheet of snow covered the hills while snowbards and skis rushed down.

" Now do we get to ski?" ask my sister.

" Yes.Lets just get our lift tickets and find our instroctors." replied mom. We started doing the basics of skiing first. Then we went down slopes. The first time going down I did a face plant.

" ooouuuccchh." I mummbled softly.

" Nice try. Lets try it again." said my instructor.


" Lets go to the top again," said Kainoa.

" Fine." I replied grumply. It was my last day Here. My friends Kainoa and Alex arrived. I've done about 7 face plants and wipeouts today. This was our last run through.

" Last one down is the rotten egg! Alex shouted. After the ride we went to the pool and splashed around. Then we had dinner and left.This is the best spring break I've ever have!

Kareena S. said...

"Where here!" said my friend Sareens mom. They were picking me up.

"hey mom did we get Kareena a birthday present?" Sareen said.

"Oh I guess not" she said.

So we decided to go to a painting place called Creatively yours. both of us us painted fancy ice cream bowls. Mine was a colorful rainbow painted one. we did not get ours back yet becaus my friend has been to busy and it takes a while to get out of the kealam. My friend said they both turned out fantastic though.

Liam said...

My family was at Disney World in Florida. I told them, "I can't wait to ride Splash Mountain"! "Let's get a Fast Pass", I said. After waiting for a while, "FINALLY I'm on it"! "Oh no, here comes the first big drop!" I thought to myself, "here comes the second big drop in total darkness...WHOAAAAAA!" On the biggest drop, I screamed, "here we go...AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Liam said...

Liam, part 2:

SPLASH!!!! I thought to myself, "it's impossible to stay dry on this ride!" I rode it 3 more times that day. On the fourth time, I told myself, "I just saw a hidden Mickey in the basket". "What a crazy, fun day I've had"!

Matthew $161.49 said...

One small event I did at spring break was to go to the Woodland Park zoo for my cousin Alexander`s first birthday. I went to the zoo with my Aunt Anna, Uncle Tyson, Cousin Alexander, my brother Ryan, and my Mom Lynda. The mother lion had given birth to four adorable little lion cubs. We went to the zoo’s lion view area to see the cute lion cubs and their mother. The baby lion cubs were awake and had a tan and white colored fur. We watched them pounce on their mom, and hunt and play with each other. We watched them play like playful kittens but bigger. It was a great day at the zoo and I think Alexander had a fun time looking at the animals.

Cade @ your house said...

I was playing Castle Crashers when my mom came in.

She said",Cade its a beautiful day. Can you go outside."

"Finnneee,"I said.
So then I went outside lazily and stared playing basket ball when my mom came out.

She said trying not to laugh", Go find a friend to play with or sit on the lawn."

Then I finally decided to go to a friends house for two hours.

Jake said...

We were going home from Mexico

"agg a plane ride" I moaned

"it's not that bad" my mom said

The plane ride from Huston to Seattle flet like a 15 hours we got home and ya.

mADDIE said...

Madison said...
My favorite thing on spring break was going to the Great Wolf Lodge. we had an amazing time. I went swimming in the huge water park and after I was done swimming I got to have dip-in-dots. I played this game called magic quest I beat rhe last level. I did this game were you train to be a wolf well it was alot of work. I will never forget my trip to the Great Wolf Lodge.