Walt Disney's Birthday- Homework

Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. When Walt Disney first opened Disneyland, it consisted of five themed areas:
  1. Main Street, U.S.A. (an early 20th century Midwest town based on Walt Disney's childhood)
  2. Adventureland (featuring jungle themed adventures)
  3. Frontierland (illustrating the western frontier)
  4. Fantasyland (bringing fantasy into a reality)
  5. Tomorrowland (looking into the future)
Pretend that you worked for Walt Disney in 1955 and write an idea for a 6th themed area for Disneyland. Describe the theme for this area and the rides and buildings that would be included in this new area of Disneyland.


isobel G. said...

I think the 6th them should be water land.

They would have a place where you see water animals and a place where you get to touch water animals and a place where you go on rides and get wet.

Duncan E =D said...

The Old Fashion Land. It's where you would see a bunch of 1930's things and go on old fashioned roller coaster rides.

Caden a.k.a. fat panda said...

I think that the 6th theme should be

ROLLER COASTER LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there would be rollar coasters everywhere from small roller coasters to HUDGE roller with flips every two seconds!Trust me it would be awsome!

Tjaden:) said...

I think that the 6th themed area should be called Battle land based on forts and Buzz Lightyear. It would have lasers, flags, and hiding places. You walk into a dark room with people you don't know at night time, and then you get captured by aliens and you get battle gear. You battle the aliens until one team wins.

Kamryn with a ''K'' said...

I think the 6th land should be Holidayland

There would be rides with the theme of Halloween, or Christmas,or Easter,or Thanksgiving,or even Hanukah and Kwanzaa! Its also a place where you can eat those holiday foods and spend the real holiday there too! There would also be the animals that match the holidays! Thats what I`d choose for my 6th land.

Riley B. said...

The 6th theme should be soccerland.
There would be soccer everywhere.

shriya b said...

I think that the theme should be THE HOME of ALL THE DISNEY CHARACTERS!Water rides,dry rides,scary rides and bildings,fun rides and buildings

Laurel B. said...

I think the 6th land should be Tropical Paridise island!
There should be Shows with hula dancers, hula lessons. Roller coasters surrounded by tropical plants, A tram ride showing you a tropical island, an arcade with tropical island games like slngshots shooting coconuts out of of a palm tree! There should also be Gondila rides showing a tour of the island from above!

Riley B. :) said...

Futuristic land.You would get to see things for the future and write
ideas for the future.You would also
see a time machine.

Madison C. said...

If I could create a new place in Disneyland, I would do something funny like The Incredible Baby Land. It would have a drool roaller coaster, kind of like splash mountain, except you come out of a baby's mouth at the end. There would be a restaraunt that is shaped like a giant baby bottle. Inside the bottle shaped restaraunt,there would be tables that look like baby binkies. There would be a ride just like the dumbo ride, except you are sitting in a diaper. There would be a baby swing that swings really high and a ride where you are in a
human size hampster ball and you have to get away from a giant baby before it gets you. There is also a ride called The Blowout. This ride is too disgusting to tell about, but I'll tell you this: At the end of the ride, you land in front of the gift shop. That way, you can just go right on in and buy yourself some new clothes. Finally, there is a character named Bulb Syringe and he loves digging for "golden nuggets."

Oscar S. said...

I would so build Videoland! A place where you could play all kinds of video games, make up characters that would then come alive and that you could play with! They would look like video game characters but they would be right there playing with you as long as you want them to. You could also take them on any rides that you want, as long as you want them too. And you could go inside their video game yourself, like virtual stuff. That would be so much fun!

Brady said...

Creepy land. It would have all creepy and scary rides(including haunted mansion and tower of terror) that would freak people out. The food would be edible brain candy and skull shaped cotton candy.It would be great for people who want a thriller. Ha ha ha ha ha (in a creepy voice).

Allie th Ant said...

I would make Penguinland! It would have a penguin workshop where you could make penguins and other animals even thow it's Penguinland. You could dress them in different things and have other stuff.There would also be rides like one thats a water slide where you slide on it like a penguin would and a wave pool and roller coasters and much much more! THE END.

Ismail M said...

I think 6th theme should be called
World Land.The World Land theme will be based on of different countries of the world.It will have rides in which they will show and tell about the food,buildings,clothes and culture of different countries.It will include the famous buildings of the world and the seven wonders of the world.It would be more like an educationl park.

Bryan B said...

I would have a TV land. There would be a Sponge bob rollercoaster, a Batman museum, a Kicking it dojo, and photos of Ben 10s Aliens. TVs would be everywhere, people dressed up as TV show characters, The buildings would look like the places in the show. Sponge bob buildings would be underwater.

stephanie c. said...

I think that the sixth theme should be Dessertland! There would be lots of eating contests and there would be river rafting rides except the river would be milk and the boat would be a cookie.There would also be rollercoasters made out of icecream.There would be clothing kiosks and they would be all made out of whipped cream . People would probably be flocking to Dessertland.

J-A-K-O-B-------M said...

If i could create a 6th land it would be rollorcoster land it would be full of rollorcosters.

Ethan L. said...

I would name the 6th theme park Thunder Valley. It would have giant roller coasters and cave ride with a lightening storm inside. The food would come with a tiny roller coaster car with it. The biggest roller coaster would have a vertical drop that drops 200 feet. It would also have two loops.

Mia Y (A.K.A. The best person ever.) said...

I think the sixth theme should be Girls Land.

There would be a dress up station, a tattoo station,a nails station,a goth station,a girly girl station,a water station,and a boys station where the boys have video games! I think EVERYBODY would like this theme land! Wouldn't you?

mikayla g said...

i would have peanutbutter and jelly land,you can go on a roller coaster that looks like a peanutbutter and jelly sandswich, make jelly, go to the pond made out of jelly,and the jelly racing cars.

Courtney N. said...

I think the 6th theme should be about the Greek Gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite, and all the other gods. It would look like Mount Olympus with people dressed as satyrs, centaurs, and the gods all walking around. There would be a building with huge statues of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades sitting in their thrones with a staircase leading to the inside of their heads which was really the line to a water-slide. There would also be lots of restaurants and cafes like, Hades Grill or Athena's Cafe.

nicole said...

artic land

it would have rides like a dog sled roller coster , a cold treat CAFE ,a penguin park ,and a ride called shoot snowballs at snow men

adam h said...

I think the 6th theme should be harry potter land

there would be rides and games like the triwizard tournment and the escape the werewolf challenge. I'm a big fan of harry potter so there would be a fan ride. If you answered the questions right you would get to go on a really fun ride

Matt said...

The new theme should be called Airland. It begins when you go into a room with several unused airplanes. Later, an attendant asks for you to put on a harness and goggles, ushers you up a flight of stairs, then up an esclater and a elavator. Afterward, he says to you "Have a good flight, hang on tight and have a great time in Airland!" You get clipped onto a zip line and zip across while looking from your arial view at Disneyland. After you land at the platform, it's time to walk around and enjoy the rest of Airland!

Jakob M said...

The 6th park should be rollercaoster land,it would have rollercaosters everywhere. The rollercaosters would go upside down and go very fast and have lots of drops.It would be very fun.

Braden S. said...

If I were working for Walt Disney I think the 6th theme should be Futuristic Cartoonland. First you open a big door with pictures of cartoons and walk into a room with a table in the back and a guy sitting there.
"Have a seat," he says. "Draw a picture and put it through the slot in that machine." When you do, the machine sucks it up and it comes through the other side. The only difference about it is that the drawing is not on the paper. The drawing is actually alive. It says to follow it through a door behind the machine. In the door there's tons of roller coasters that do flips.