Ecologists Studying Ecosystems

Our focus on science this trimester is all about ecosystems. We're learning about food webs and food pyramids. We've even had the chance to build our own self-sustaining ecocolumns (terrariums and aqauriums). Each group has two ecolocums, one control and one experimental ecolocumn. The control ecocolumn started with 3 fish, 1 snail, 2 crickets, and 2 isopods + different land and water plants. The experimental ecolcolumns had the same plants and non-linving materials, but no animals. Recently we began polluting these ecocolumns (each group is either using acid rain (vinegar), fertilizer, or salt). We are currently testing the pH levels and observing the effects of the pollution on our experimental ecocolumns.

Planting the seeds

Making detailed observations

Practicing collaborative team work

Observing the mosquito fish before adding them to their aquariums

Waiting for the seeds to grow

Up close and personal with one of our pond snails

A cricket in its terrarium

Mosquito fish in their aquariums finally

The circle of life. One of our dead fish that was later devoured by a scavenger.

Our seeds finally started growing

An isopod