
We will be having a Halloween party on Monday, October 31st from 2:30-3:40. Students may bring the(appropriate, non-violent) costumes in their backpacks to school. They will get changed right before the party. Costumes should be easy to change in and out of so they can get changed in the classroom. My party planners are getting the party organized. If we need parent volunteers, money, or food donations from you, we will be asking you shortly. Thanks!


Tjaden y said...

Thank you for mentioning my party. I hope that you can come, it would mean a lot to me.

Allie B:) said...

I cant wait till the Halloween party its going to be fun I bet! :)

Mia Y said...

Awesome me and my mom were wondering if we had one or not! Thanks Mrs.Ness

mikayla said...

cool i cant wait to come

Duncan E said...

Tjaden, what time is it? Also I can't wait to go to both parties. Our classes and yours. :D

Tjadeny said...

My party was awesome