Halloween Creative Writing- Homework

Be as creative as you want, using "it was a dark and stormy night" as the start of your Halloween paragraph! It can be silly, creepy, weird, or anything else you think of! Have fun!

(Remember to use the same rules we have in class with what is appropriate for scary stories.)


Isobel .g. said...

It was a dark and stormy night. When we went trick or treating. "Ooooooh!" the wind went. We saw a green glow. In front of me there was a shadow . It looked like a monster ''Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I said.
It was coming closer "Oh no!" then i realized it was a cat.

Ismail M said...

It was a dark stormy night,the wind blowing and autumn leaves were
falling.It was a full moon night
and the wolves were growling and I was all alone in the pyramid in Egypt searching for treasure.While I was looking at the map someone from behind put his hands on my shoulder. I was shocked to see a tall creepy mummy wrapped in white with blood coming out of his mouth.I was scared and terrified.I tried to escape but it was useless.I began to shout for help.A minute later I saw Mrs.Ness shouting to submit my math homework.Thank you Mrs.Ness for saving me.

Kamryn B. said...

It was a dark,cold, stormy night. the wind was going through my cold pale hands.I was at the bus stop waiting for the school bus to come. The trees rustled ,it was almost like I heard a voice in the wind saying,"Ooooohhhh!" I got worried because I was alone and there were no cars driving either. Suddenly for some reason I started screaming. It turned out it was actually my mom waking me up for school.

Tjadeny said...

It was a dark night I was walking home when I herd a noise coming from a house. Creek who who.I was going to get my trick or treating bag.me and my friends were goin trick or treating.we stumbled against the trecerits house again we went in it was scary ahhhhhhhhh! A fantom we followed he around we found the way out. ''we made it out Alvie.'' yeah the end.

Madison C. said...

It was a dark and stormy night when I was looking out my bedroom window, waiting for Lily, my older sister. I was getting pretty worried because she was supposed to get home from her friend's house at 8:00pm. It was now 8:30pm. Suddenly, I heard knocking at the front door. I ran downstairs to see who it was. I opened the door and a ghost flew past me into the house. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. When I turned to see the ghost, Lily was standing in front of me. "What are you screaming about?" she asked.

"I just saw a ghost!" Hey, where did you come from?" I asked.

"Why don't you ask the ghost," she said with a smirk.

mikayla g said...

it was dark and cold. my sisters emalie,emma,trixie,sarafynia and i went to a big haunted house. it was blck their was fog i couldin't see anything when we went in,"i think that someone is following us guys" then we guietly kept going until we finally came out something came outa the bushes and screamed" iiiiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvv got ya now!!!!!!!!!!!"then we ran home and we were safe.

Bryan B. said...

It was a dark and stormy night. Me and my friends were trick –or-treating then we saw a haunted house. We entered the haunted house and fell in a trap door. Then got to a different room and 3 skeletons were trying to scare us. They led us to a spinning door. On the other side of the spinning door was a mad scientist room. We hit a skeleton with a ball it fell asleep and ran out the back door.

Allie :) said...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"we all screamed,A monster! Then we started to walk towards it it was only a 5 year old little boy dressed as a bunny who was really cold and wanted to go home. About three hours later we walked to another house to get candy, it was a lady in a witch costume with long blond hair who anwerd the door.

"I got a big crunch bar!" Susey said smiling.

"I got a chocolate bar!" said Jess.

"Ummmmm,I got a shirt and a stinky sock." Sally said with her hand over her nose. "Come on lets just keep going," Jess said. :)

Mrs. Ness 4th Graders said...

Haha! Ismail, I like your ending. Very clever!

Ethan L. said...

It was a dark and stormy night as Ethan and Brady walked through the woods. There was thunder booming and lightening striking the forest. Brady and Ethan were frightened but determined to get home. Ethan looked behind him because he felt like something was stalking them. What he saw scared the heck out of him. It was big wolf. I told Brady quietly what was happening. We screamed and ran for our lives.

nicole said...

It was a dark stormy night on halloween "POOF" I found my self in a hallway. Someone farther in the hallway shouted,"help." I truned around to see my whole class behind me. The whole class walked toward the voice. We fond ourselfes in a dark room "SUPRISE!!" shouted all the parents.

Matt D. said...

it was a dark and stormy night my hands were white with cills running down my back and goosebumps on my leg"get out",somthing said in my ear I heared it again but louder"GET OUT!",it screamed then it said,"oh I remember inviting you,come on in."

shriya b said...

It was a dark and stormy halloween night.When I was calling everyone to meet me at my house.

We decided to go to the Haunted House first.On the way we saw lots of people trick-or-treating.

I opened the door with my cold hand.We saw Mrs.Ness! She surprised us.

That was a great Halloween1

stephanie c. said...

It was a dark stormy rainy night on Halloween when something jumped out at me "ahhhhhh"I screamed it was just a black cat hissing. When we went to a haunted house a lot of ghosts jumped out at me I started to scream and then my mom started to shake me and said"girl if you dont wake up I will destroy your favorite movie.Im waking up sheesh"

Cameron:) said...

On a dark and stormy night.I was skatbording then the trees or a startidf to shaked so i still went on skatbording then i heard howling and i got scard then the howling got closer and closer then it stopt for a while then i her it again then i started to my aprment then i went in the aprment and cl
osd the door behind me then i fond out that the howling it was my dog.

Cameron:) said...

On a dark and stormy night.I was skatbording then the trees or a startidf to shaked so i still went on skatbording then i heard howling and i got scard then the howling got closer and closer then it stopt for a while then i her it again then i started to my aprment then i went in the aprment and cl
osd the door behind me then i fond out that the howling it was my dog.

Mia Y said...

It was Halloween night and I was almost done trick or treating, but then I realized there was one more house left. It looked like a really freaky house. Then I rang the doorbell,"Ding-Dong." The door creaked open. We slid inside. "Mwahahahaha!", said a vampire. We asked her what her name was. She said, "Mrs.Ness. What is yours?"
Then I said,"Mia. I got to go home want to walk me?"
Then Mrs. Ness said,"Okay."Mrs. Ness walked me the way home. "Thank you."I said.
"You welcome."Mrs.Ness said.

The End
(P.S. Did you like my story?:-)<3

Duncan E :) said...

It was a dark night. A man was walking around the castle. tThe man looked at another man and screamed. The man had no features like eyes on his face. He went to one of the men who protected the castle. ''I saw a man with no face,'' said the man.

The guard took off his hood. The man screamed. He had the same face like the other man.

Brady said...

It was a dark and stormy night at the

Laurel B. said...

It was a dark and stormy night.I heard the leavs rustiling and faraway trick-or-treaters yelling for candy at inocent people.Sudenly, everything went black.BOO!
"Aaaaaaaaah!" I screamed.
And then...

I woke up.

Brady said...

Sorry about the last post. It was a dark and stormy night in the graveyard and I saw something running through the woods. "Whos there," I sputtered.. I stayed there for about 48 hours just in fear that it might come back. Suddenly I heard something behind me. And it jumped out from behind me. Surprisingly I saw the familiar face of Ethan."Man,that marathon was harsh!".

Braden said...

It was a dark and stormy night. Just kidding! It was actually pretty peaceful. Anyways, I guess I should start off with we were trick or treating. "Ding dong"
"Trick or treat!"we screamed
"Here you are," the lady smiled
Then we counted our pieces of candy.
"Wow, I have 59!" I exclaimed.
"Cool I have 53," said Sally.
"I have 61, beat that!" replied Rocky.
"That's because when we went to the house that said 'take one' you took 5!"
"The sign didn't have a period," argued Rocky. "It could have said 'handful' at the end."

Riley B. said...

It was a dark and stormy night when I was lost in a deep dark wood with a few of my friends when suddenly some kind of monster started to chase us "ah"! I screamed.It turnes out it was just a dream.

Courtney said...

It was a dark stormy night and I was all alone in a really creepy house. Suddenly a loud noise came from the end of a hallway that sounded like an "OOOOOOOH!!!" I went down to where the noise came from and saw a ghost wandering around the room. When it saw me it exploded and turned in to dust

Courtney said...

I didn't post that!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Courtney N. said...

It was a dark stormy night and I was all alone in a creepy house. Suddenly a loud noise came from the end of a hallway that sounded like an "OOOOOOOH!!!" I went down to where the noise came from and saw a ghost wandering around the room. When it turned and saw me it exploded and turned in to dust. I walked to where the pile of dust was and suddenly everything started to dissolve into a new room! It was dark, covered in cobwebs,and empty. Just then I felt someone shaking me and realized it was my mom trying to wake me up for school! It was all just a dream after all.

Oscar S. said...

It was a dark and stormy night, and I had just turned 12! It was time for Halloween, finally. My dad and I were ready to scare some teenagers. Next year, it will be me after all! We were hiding in the bushes on the side of the house, ready to scare them to death, when all of a sudden, I heard some sounds coming from another bush... My body became stiff and I am the one getting scared to death! I summoned up my courage and slowly walked over the the place I heard from noise from. A very tall guy walked right in front of me, his eyes glowing red. he said: "What do you want?" I run for my life. The house seemed to far away, and the faster I was running, the farther the house went! It was crazy! I was screaming to my mom to come help me but the house was silent, and my dad nowhere to be found! Was the heck is happening to me? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, the man is every where, on top of me if I look up, underneath me if I look down, and all sides... I was so scared that I think I fell asleep or I fainted! When I came to, my dad was there, in the car, and so was I too! Phew, it was only a dream! "I will take you home, Oscar. You are all spooked out!!! He turned around, and oh my goodness, his eye are glowing red too! SO, I fainted again!!!

Jakob M said...

It was a dark and stormy night we were trick or treating and saw a monster. We ran and tripped, and then we realized it was just some other trick or treaters.

Jakob M said...

It was a dark and stormy night we were trick or treating and saw a monster. We ran and tripped, and then we realized it was just some other trick or treaters.

caden.n said...

"what a stormy yet perfict halloween",i said all of my freinds agreed.All of our bags were really heavy "lets do about ten more houses",one of my freinds said "do what to ten more houses",?i said."Well lets trick or treat that house",he said