Dictionary Day- Homework

Dictionary Day is celebrated on October 16 in honor of Noah Webster. The objective of this day is to emphasize the importance of dictionary skills and to improve your vocabularyFind 5 words in the dictionary that you are unfamiliar with and write their definitions. Then, write a sentence using each of these 5 new words that you learned!
*In your comment, be sure to include the word, definition, and your sentence for all 5 words.


Riley B. said...

Hubbub-loud and confusing.Their was quite a hubbub.
Vulpine-cunning or crafty.He is very vulpine.
Schizophrenia-multiple personalaties.Wow he looks like he is going through schizophrenia.

stephanie c. said...

Conducive: helpful, beneficial
Zygote: the single cell resulting from the union of an egg and a sperm
Xenophile: one attracted to foreign people, manners, and style
Vellum: a form of paper made out of animal skin
Undulate: to move with a wavelike motion Jon took out the garbage so that his mom got to bed earlier Jon was being conducive.The zygote is so small that you need a microscope to see it.My friend Sally grew up to be a stewardess so she could meet new people she is a xenophile.Kent likes animals but hates vellum because they make it out of animal skin.Dolphins can undulate their tails because their tails do undulate under water and do not go side to side.

Kamryn B. said...

Syns:A concluding or terminating:the end of fighting. Enact:To cause to be by official action:laws enacted by congress. Ensnarement:Entanglement. Epitomize:It means to represent and review. Erratic:Without a fixed or regular course:erratic movements.

Brady L. said...

Bezoar:a couterpoison or antidote."Get the Bezoar!" Kudzu vine:a fast growing Chinese/Japanese vine "Look at the Kudzu." Zendo:the meditation of a Zen monastery He is doing Zendo.Gobo for shielding a camera lense from a light or glare He needed his Gobo. slumgullion:a stew of meat,vegtables,etc.Slumgullion is a stew.

Mia Y said...

Abdomen-1.a body area between chest and pelvis.2.hindmost part of an insect. "I found the abdomen of an insect!"
Abhor- hate. "I abhor this color!"
Abreast-1.side by side.2.up to a standard or level."I went abreast two times."
Abridge-shorten or condense. "I will abridge that ribbon."
Abscond-run away and hide. "I'm gonna abscond."

Ismail M said...

To leave completely and
finally,to give up.
My neighbours abonded the burning
Receive to agree or consent
Tom accepted the money that were given by his uncle.
Free from error or defect
Jerry did his math homework accurately.
To come in possesion or
I manage to acquire 5 WII games.
To regard with wonder pleasure or a approval.
I admired when my dad gave me a new game.

Jakob M said...

Ecclesiastical: pertaining to the Christian church or clergy.

Easel: a tripod frame used to support an artists canvas.

Potassium: a soft white metallic element of alkali, vitamin K.

Economical affordable inexpensive
Zany crazy whimsically comical

Isobel G. said...

1. flagrant-plainly wicked, unashamed
2. equipment-tools, supplies, etc... needed for a job or a special activity.
3. equivocate-to use deliberately evasive language.
4. erode-to wear away gradually.
5. fanatic-a person with very strong enthusiasm
1. He was mean and flagrant.
2. Microsoft needs computer equipment at their work.
3. When I asked her what she was doing, she equivocated.
4. The flood eroded the river banks very slowly.
5. The writing class is for people who are writing fanatics.

Bryan B. said...

Gland- An organ in the body that either produces natural chemicals or allows substances to leave the body. There is a gland in my body that makes me sweat.

Italic- A sloping form of print used to make words stand out. I wrote my sentence using Italic letters.

Jabber- To talk in a fast, confused, or foolish way that is hard to understand. Please don’t jabber I can’t understand you.

Taunt- To try to make someone angry or upset by teasing. You shouldn’t taunt people because it is mean.

Fortunate-Lucky. I am very fortunate to be on a basketball team.

Madison C. said...

1. Bowyer - a person who makes or sells archers' bows. I saw a bowyer on 54th Street.

2. Kankakee - a city in NE Illinois. I have been to Kankakee.

3. Mon - Austroasiatic language used chiefly in Burma, esp. in the vicinity of Moulmein. Can you speak Mon?

4. Hermon - A mountain in SW Syria, 9232 ft. Have you climbed up Hermon Mountain?

5. Tripedal - having three feet. My cat Tripod was tripedal.

Duncan E said...

Influx: The process of flowing into or coming in.
Tourists influx the new museum exhibit.
Ingenuity: Skill in discovering , inventing, or planning.
Will's ingenuity about his science project made him successful.
Indomitable: Unconquerable
The army tried to conquer the fortress, but it was proven to be indomitable.
Indolent: Lazy, inactive, slothful
Garfield the cat is very indolent
Horticulture: The study of fruits, vegetables, flowers
Daisy would probably want to learn about horticulture.

nicole said...

catbird: a state-colored north american songbird. A catbird is a type of bird.

knap weed:any composite plant of the genus.
A knap weed is a type of plant.

knurly: having curls or knots.
animals can have knurly fur.

brandish: waving an obgect.
I will wave a pillow in the air.

husbandman: a farmer.
I know a husbandman from the colmbia plateau!!

nicole said...

catbird: a state-colored north american songbird. A catbird is a type of bird.

knap weed:any composite plant of the genus.
A knap weed is a type of plant.

knurly: having curls or knots.
animals can have knurly fur.

brandish: waving an obgect.
I will wave a pillow in the air.

husbandman: a farmer.
I know a husbandman from the colmbia plateau!!

Laurel B. said...

Blunt: not sharp. The knife was rather blunt.
Gale:A stong wind."It was very hard to walk agenst the gale,"Lizzy said.
Insidious:Evil,Sly. The insidious tiger prowled through the grass ready to pounce on his next target.
Isthmus: A neck of land joining two larger bodies of land. He crossed the narrow isthmus telling himself not to look down.
Itinerary: The detailed plan for a journey. The travel agent gave him an itinerary.

Courtney N. =) said...

mazer: A large drinking bowl or goblet made of metal or hard wood.
She was drinking out of the mazer.
kermis: An outdoor fair in the low countries. While we were in Ireland I went to a kermis and bought food.
Sainfoin: A Eurasian plant with compound leaves and pink or white flowers, often used as a fodder. I once saw a farmer feeding his cattle Sainfoin flowers.
teak: A tall evergreen tree with hard,heavy,durable wood. In the forest there was a teak tree.
snuffer: One who snuffs. My friend, Catey, is a snuffer.

Allie B :) said...

Awn:bristly fiberson of barley,oats etc.
Lambda:The 11th letter of the greek alphabet.
Facetious:joking or jesting often.
Zany:a subordinate clown or acrbat in old comedies who mimics ludicrously the tricks of the principal.
Haberdashery:goods sold by a haberdasher.

Tjaden Y said...

Vertex: the point where two plains intersect to form an angle 2) the highest point

Vitiate: to spoil the effect of something, to make less effective or imperfect.

Resplendent : brilliant, lustrous

Franchise: an agreement granted by a company to do business under their name

Magnanimous: great of mind, generous and forgiving.

Braden S. said...

1. Assimilate: to take in, absorb, and fully understand.
I quickly assimilated this homework.
2. Truncate: to shorten at the end
The meeting was truncated by the breaking news.
3. demise: death
The newspaper met its demise after it went in my shredder.
4. zeitgeist: the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time
Disco totally defines the zeitgeist of the 1970's.
5. opine: to express opinions
My mom opines on financial statements.

shriya b said...

Euphemism : means substitution of a pleasant expression for an unpleasant or offensive one.
Kindle:means set on fire or start burning.
Soprano:means highest singing voice.
Authenticate:means prove genuine.
Extraneous:means not essential or relevant.

Andrew L. said...

Patelloid: Having or like a patella
Spatises: A fleshy spike of tiny flowers usually enclosed in a spathe
Vestibule: A small entrance hall to a room or to a building
Reyn: rain
Han: An ethnic group of China constituting the majority of the Chinese and distinguished from the Manchus, Mongols,etc
Today in the school I learned about the Han society.As I was standing in the vestibule admiring the spatises, it started to reyn.

Oscar S. said...

1) Oblique: having no right angle.
This triangle is oblique.

2) Maniple: a long narrow strip of silk formerly worn at mass over the left arm by clerics of or above the order of subdeacon.
I like the way he wears his maniple.

3) Variegated: marked by a variety of usually vivid colors.
This rainbow is variegated.

4) Docile: easily taught.
I love my dog because he is very docile.

5) Etamine: a light cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh.
Part of this dress is made of etamine.

Ethan L. said...

1. Fib: to tell a lie.
I told a fib to my Mom.

2. Gownsman: a person who wears a gown indicating office, profession, or status.

There was a gownsman at the ceremony.

3. Gracile: gracefully slender. slender thin.

My sister Jordan is very gracile.

4. Brockton: a city in Eastern Massachusetts.

I went to visit a friend in Brockton.

5. Sedate: calm, quiet or composed. undisturbed.

I know someone who is sedated.

Matt D. said...

1.Bellicoste:warlike in manner or temperament.
2.Syns:the end of fighting.
3.Acid rain:acid falling as rain.
4.Acid cell:a cell of the stomich.
5.Acidic:tending to form an acid.