So Great to Meet You

Welcome to fourth grade! It was so fun meeting so many of you today. I hope you're excited for school to start.

I can't wait to get to know you more. Introduce yourself by commenting and tell me one of the favorite things you did this summer!

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Allie said...

Hi my name is Allie and my favorite thing this summer was going to a water park. I went on rides and water slides it was really fun.

oscar said...

2words video games from oscar:)

adam said...

hi my name is adam and the best thing iI did over the summer was going to stemboat rock! it was lots of fun I went kayaking downa stream!

Mia said...

Hi Mrs.Ness,
My name is Mia my birthday was in April so that was what my favorite thing I did.What was yours?


Duncan said...

I went to Barbados and went to see beautiful beaches and an interesting festival. I also got to see my cousins. I also went to California to see some of my friends.

mikayla said...

i went on a boat and i went to whidbey island and both of my gerbils past away

Kamryn said...

My most favorite thing I did this summer was when I went to Seaside and watch fireworks for the 4th of July . It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!they were nice fireworks!

Riley said...

myfavorite thing I did this summer was my birthday

isobel said...

i went to hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

duncan said...

Nice Oscar. Water parks sound cool.

brady said...

My name is Brady, and my favorite thing I did this summer was when I went to California.

nicole said...

My name is nicole. My favorite thing i did this summer is went to wild waves theme park with Courtney

madison said...

I got a new baby brother this summer.

From, Madison

Bryan said...

My name is Bryan I went wakeboarding.

stephanie said...

my name is stephanie callans and the favorite thing I did this summer was when we went camping.

Matt said...

I went to veges

tjaden said...

my 10th birthday

duncan said...

To bad I could not go on a boat Mikayla. But I saw a lot of them

ttttt said...

i am sorry that youre pet past away

Ismail said...

My name is Ismail and I spend my vication by
going at WILD WAWES and to Mount St. Helens and
went to Fedralway to watch KUNGFU PANDA 2 and
RIO in 3D

stephanie said...

hawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii like it to

duncan said...

Wakeboarding sounds awesome to me Bryan

Duncan said...

I have been to Vegas too.

Duncan said...

3D is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duncan said...

I have had passings of pets before.

Duncan said...

Hawaii sounds cool. But i haven't been there

duncan said...

Wow, water parks are popular

duncan said...


duncan said...

I have never been camping before.

duncan said...

My birthday was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtney N. said...

I don't know why mine didn't post!? What I meant to say was, my favorite thing this summer was when I rode the Seattle to Portland Bike Ride. It was 204 miles!!!!!!!!!!!