Bravery- Homework

On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to obey a bus driver’s order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Rosa Park’s brave act of defiance became an important symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and the resistance to racial segregation.

What is the bravest thing that you have ever done? Include details about the event and why you think you were brave.

OR, if you really can't think of anything you have done that is brave, write about what bravery means to you and tell a story about someone else who did something truly brave.


Caden.N :-) said...

The bravest thing I've ever done was driving a boat at 40 mph all by myself.

Isobel G. said...

The two bravest things I've ever done are...

Doing trapeze because when you're hanging by your toes and look down you think you're going to fall on your face.

Doing rock climbing outside and there is a cliff under me made me feel like if i let go i would fall.

shriya b said...

The bravest thing I ever done was doing a cartwheele on the beem.

nicole said...

The bravest thing i've ever done is:

when me and my parents when on a hike. when we sat to eat a snack when we ate the snack. we were 13 feet from a big clif that droped in to a big lake

Laurel B. said...

The bravest thing I ever did was at qualifying auditions.I have ben on stage plenty of times,but this was my first time doing a show for dance team. The dude said we did good. Oh no! I'm late for Ballet!

Allie said...

The bravest thing I have done was going on a really scary roller coaster at wild waves. It was one of my bravest things because I really didn't want to go on it at all because it had loops and really high down hill sorts of things,and it turned out to be my favorite ride! THE END.

Riley B. said...

To me bravery means either standing up to something or doing something dangerous or daring.A time my friend was brave was when he jumped off a cliff into the water at banks lake in eastern WA.
That ,I think,is brave.

Riley B. said...

To me bravery means either standing up to something or doing something dangerous or daring.A time my friend was brave was when he jumped off a cliff into the water at banks lake in eastern WA.
That ,I think,is brave.

Duncan E =D said...

One of the bravest things I have done is this. When I was in Barbados, I went to a place where animals like monkeys, peacocks, and turtles. One time when we were on the trail, a peacock stood in our way!

Ismail said...

This summer ma and my dad went to visit Mount Baker.On our way back we thought of taking a boat ride at Silver Lake.Me and my dad
went in a boat and all of a sudden due to the imbalance the boat flipped and we fell down.My dad was a good swimmer but I was not and the water was very deep too.The bravest thing I've ever did was that I swam in the water by my self.

stephanie c. said...

The bravest thing I have ever done is when my mom had a cardiac arrest and she had to go to the hospital.I thought I was brave because my mom almost died and she survived it all.

Mia Yoon :] said...

The bravest thing i'v ever done is similar to Caden's but there were people on the boat and I drove 50 mph hour! I think I was brave because I stopped right before we almost crashed the dock!

Tjaden y =) said...

At my school in California there was a boy with Asperger's that the other kids were mean to. They would not play with him and it made me sad. I played with him every day,and I did not care what the other kids thought. We are still friends and the other kids became his friend to.

I think that bravery means to conquer fears and to stand up for yourself and others.

Tjaden y =) said...

At my school in California there was a boy with Asperger's that the other kids were mean to. They would not play with him and it made me sad. I played with him every day,and I did not care what the other kids thought. We are still friends and the other kids became his friend to.

I think that bravery means to conquer fears and to stand up for yourself and others.

kayliah(mikayla) said...

the bravest thing i ever did:

was doing the talent show because,
there were so many people their and when it was our turn we accsedently messed up but then kept going on.

Oscar S. said...

Dogs can do brave things too. My dog Rex was very sick in October and he is still a puppy, so it was very scary for him to have an IV put in his leg, and he had all kinds of tests done and even had to stay in the dog hospital for 3 days. It was very brave of him! We rescued him from a shelter when he was 3 months old. The best thing ever is that we have the same birthday, October 20! Just 9 years apart. =)

Madison C. said...

The bravest thing I've ever done was try out for a solo because I had never sang solo in front of anyone before.

Bryan B. said...

The bravest thing I have done was ski on the Three Bears ski slope. There were lots of sharp turns and moguls. It was really steep and I had never skiied on it before. It was hard to go down it, but I made it.

Kamryn with a ''K'' said...

Two of my most bravest moments was probably when my cousin Lucas and I went to a science museum and an older kid was being mean to Lucas and I stood up for him and the other time I was brave was when I went to the Grand Canyon and it was also hard because I wanted to look at the view but I was also afraid I was going to fall but I took a risk for it.

Matt D. said...

I think a brave thing I've done is standing up for my friends and family when people say mean things about them.

Jakob M said...

I went mutton busting. That is when you ride a sheep. I got my name in the paper when I was 7. I was brave because there is nothing to hold on to and they go very fast. I feel off about half way down the track.

Brady said...

The bravest thing I've ever done was when at my cousins house and I jumped off this pole into the water.(it was like 7 feet high).I was brave because I was younger and everyone was older than me and some of them would not do it.

Courtney N. said...

The bravest thing I've ever done was when I agreed to bike 204 miles in too days with my dad. I also had to get up at four in the morning each day and go to bed at 11:00.

Braden S. a.k.a. the BEST person in the world, Mia was just faking. said...

The bravest thing I've ever done was going on Tower of Terror (really scary DisneyWorld ride that drops up and down. Hence, it's name) when I was only 3! It was brave because I was the only kid there and even my mom didn't do it! It was scary at the time but I'm 9 now so I can't wait to go again!

Ethan L. said...

The bravest thing I've ever done is help my dad after he crashed when we were out bike riding at Duthie. He went off of a drop went over the handle bars. He got knocked out for a few seconds and was really injured. I had to help him load the bikes and help him get his riding gear off. He had to go to the emergency room.