Weekly Update- June 1

Reading: Students have been reading diligently. They should be done with their mystery books by next Tuesday.

Writing: Students have finished their Living Museum biographies, Living Museum poster, and even their poetry portfolios! Tomorrow we will be starting our mystery writing unit.

Math: Today we took our unit 11 math test. Tomorrow we will start the last unit: Rates.

Science: We finished our air and flight unit with lots of awesome flight tests. Next week we will begin our astronomy unit.

Social Studies: As I said above, students are done with their posters and biographies. Now they are working on memorizing their scripts and hopefully putting together their outfits. Outfits and class presentations are Monday, June 6. And the real Living Museum is Wednesday, June 8th from 11:15-12:00 in our classroom.

Upcoming Events:
Friday, June 3- Dad's Day at lunch recess
Monday, June 6- Successful Sockeye Celebration
Tuesday, June 7- Author Assembly
Wednesday, June 8- Living Museum, 11:15-12:00 in all the fourth grade classrooms
Thursday, June 9- Stuffed Animal Spirit Day
Sunday, June 12- Class BBQ at the park, 2:30-5pm at Greenwood Point park (near the South Cove neighborhood)
Tuesday, June 14- Field Day, 1-2:30

Ask your kids:
-which plane designs are best for staying aloft, distance, and acrobatics
-which poems they read to the class at the Author’s CafĂ© today
-how they think they did on the air test and math test

Thank You: Lisa McGowen for sharing your neighborhood park with us for our BBQ!