Weekly Update- October 19

Math- We are working on Unit 3 which is all about multiplication, division, and an intro into algebra.
*Please, please, please help your child master their multiplication and division facts 0-10. Thanks!
Writing- Students revised and edited their personal narrative stories. They are currently working on publishing it as a picture book. When they are finished we will have a special sharing celebration in the classroom.

Social Studies- Students have researched a region of Washington, taken notes, turned those notes into 5 amazing paragraphs. Now students are including those paragraphs in a glog about their region.
*Glogs are due Friday.

Reading- I have been meeting with groups of students to help them work on a specific area of reading: fluency, comprehension, accuracy, and expanding vocabulary. This should give the students some hands on practice on how to work toward their reading goals.
We will also be starting a new class novel at the end of this week, There's an Owl in the Shower. I will be meeting with different groups and working with them in different ways to help them understand and dig through the book as best as possible.