Holiday Traditions- Homework

Will your family be celebrating any holidays over Winter Break- like Christmas, New Years, or Hanukkah? Pick your favorite holiday that you celebrate and write about what your family's traditions are.

(If you don't celebrate any winter holidays, you can write about what you will be doing over Winter Break)

Walt Disney's Birthday- Homework

Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. When Walt Disney first opened Disneyland, it consisted of five themed areas:
  1. Main Street, U.S.A. (an early 20th century Midwest town based on Walt Disney's childhood)
  2. Adventureland (featuring jungle themed adventures)
  3. Frontierland (illustrating the western frontier)
  4. Fantasyland (bringing fantasy into a reality)
  5. Tomorrowland (looking into the future)
Pretend that you worked for Walt Disney in 1955 and write an idea for a 6th themed area for Disneyland. Describe the theme for this area and the rides and buildings that would be included in this new area of Disneyland.

Predator/Prey Lab

Our students love Science to Go. This year, we spent two days with Ms. Poaster and debris from local animal nesting sites. Students identified different skulls in the debris from their animal's nesting site/pellets, and calculated the average percentages their animal's diet. Students were enthralled with each aspect of the lab. Again, thank you PTA for purchasing these lessons for us!

Raptor Ecology

The Woodland Park Zoo offers a fabulous service of bringing in rescued raptors to schools to teach about the role birds of prey play in an ecosystem. First of all, we need to thank our incredible PTA and their grade level grants for making this happen!

This year they brought a peregrine falcon and a screech owl. The students found each one fascinating for different reasons. Ask your kids about what they enjoyed most about the program.

Ecologists Studying Ecosystems

Our focus on science this trimester is all about ecosystems. We're learning about food webs and food pyramids. We've even had the chance to build our own self-sustaining ecocolumns (terrariums and aqauriums). Each group has two ecolocums, one control and one experimental ecolocumn. The control ecocolumn started with 3 fish, 1 snail, 2 crickets, and 2 isopods + different land and water plants. The experimental ecolcolumns had the same plants and non-linving materials, but no animals. Recently we began polluting these ecocolumns (each group is either using acid rain (vinegar), fertilizer, or salt). We are currently testing the pH levels and observing the effects of the pollution on our experimental ecocolumns.

Planting the seeds

Making detailed observations

Practicing collaborative team work

Observing the mosquito fish before adding them to their aquariums

Waiting for the seeds to grow

Up close and personal with one of our pond snails

A cricket in its terrarium

Mosquito fish in their aquariums finally

The circle of life. One of our dead fish that was later devoured by a scavenger.

Our seeds finally started growing

An isopod


Better late than never, right? Here are some images from our fun, classroom Halloween party last month.

Designing our awesome Sunset shirts

Playing the "Try to Guess Who You Are" game

Decorating delecious cupcakes

Playing the marshmallow toss game

Class Store

We have class store at the end of every month. Students are able to spend their hard earned Nessy Bucks on awesome things parents have donated to our store. Below are some pictures from one of our class stores.

Our cashiers
Girls spending some Nessy Bucks

Some goodies in our class store

Our class banker