Owls and Their Prey

Today students studied what three local owls eat. They found as many skulls as they could from pellets that had already been dissecting. Your child either studied a local barred owl, barn owl, or great horned owl. After they found the skulls they sorted and classified them by size. This helped students understand what rodents are necesary in our local forests for owls to survive.

Weekly Update

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Friday, 12/10- Sunset Singer Winter Concert Assembly, 3:00-3:30
Monday, 12/13/10- Field trip to Olympia- come to school at 8:15
Wednesday, 12/15/10- Finish 2nd art docent lesson- bubble words focused on shadows and lighting
                                  - Winter fun with our 1st grade buddies
Friday, 12/17/10- Class Store
                          - Read In!
12/18-1/2- NO SCHOOL! Enjoy your winter break!

Olympia Field Trip Reminders

Our field trip to Olympia is next Monday, December 13th.

• Students should dress appropriately/professionally (no sweats and sweatshirts)
• Students need to bring a disposable sack lunch
• Students may bring cameras but must leave other electronic devices at home
• Students may bring books, paper, and pencils to use on the bus ride
• Students need to arrive to school by 8:15